Last Night On Earth

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Adeline's beauty and compassion was the only thing strong enough to distract Billie from the shit show that his life was at the moment.

She still kept her distance from him, but she cooked him food and told him he could sleep on the couch.

"I have some friends coming over" she said as she brought Billie a bowl of soup "told them I'm hiding out a fugitive and they got excited"

"Why excited?" Billie questioned, trying to pretend being referred to as a 'fugitive' didn't bother him

"They're weird like that" she chuckled "and one of them is a tech genius so he might be able to help figure out who exactly is after you"

"How's he gonna do that?"

"I don't know, ask him" Adeline said as she flopped down on a bean bag chair "said something about looking up the number he gave me"

Billie was starving but he couldn't bring himself to eat "I'm sorry I dragged you into this"

Adeline shrugged "I mean truthfully, I had nothing else to do on a Wednesday night"

Billie chuckled softly at Adeline's response. There was just something about her that scared him but intrigued him at the same time.

"How old are you?" She asked

"22. You?"

"21" she replied "so, tell me about your aunt. She's gotta be a wild card if she just up and sold you to some weirdos in suits"

"She took me in when I turned 18. My parents were going to kick me out and she offered to take me." Billie explained "she's really religious and always told me how I dressed and behaved was going to send me to hell, but I just let her talk. It's funny...she claims to be all holy and shit but...she fucking gave me away...she gave me away and accepted money..."

Adeline could see how hard Billie was fighting to hold back his tears

"But fuck her, I'll escape these fuckers and live a perfect and happy life" Billie stated, not sure if he was trying to convince Adeline or himself

"You will" she said softly "you deserve a good life"

"What about you? What's your story?" Billie asked

"Always kinda been a loner. Never had anyone that loved me or gave a shit so...I've been living on my own for as long as I can remember. I don't exactly like it, but I'm used to it" she said softly

Billie felt his heart sink a little "I'm sorry..."

Adeline shrugged "that's life"

Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door, causing Billie to jump

"You're fine" Adeline assured "it's just my friends"

She quickly opened the door and two guys walked in. One was really short and the other was tall and skinny.

"Billie, these are my best friends Mike and Tre"

"Sup, I'm Tre" the shorter one said

"Hey..." Billie said sheepishly

"The fuck did you do?" The taller one asked in amusement

"Nothing, Mike" Adeline said protectively "we're trying to figure out who exactly is after him."

"You said they gave you a phone number?" Mike asked

Adeline nodded, handing him the card

"Oh shit!" Tre shouted "I saw a documentary about this shit before!"

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