Chapter 21: Lesson two

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Onyx wasn't sure where she was going, but she knew she had to get away from Keanu. He was so controlling it was overwhelming. Why can't she make decisions for herself?

She turned down the halls until she reached her room. She knew she had to go to the library for training, but at that moment she didn't care. Call her selfish, but she didn't want to be near Keanu.

She closed the door and sat on her bed, arms crossed. She was so tired of the constant conflict. She just wanted to be home with her mother. Heck, she would be happy to see Rigel.

Her door opened and Cato stepped in closing it shut behind him. "What are you doing? You should be in the library."

"I don't want to go."

"You need to. You have training to complete."

"I don't care. I'm done with this whole thing. Get somebody else to do it."

Cato stayed silent and stared at her.

"Stare all you want but that's not going to change my mind. I want to go home to my village and return to my normal life, I'm done with this stupid dragon crap. It's too much."

Cato's face contorted with disgust. "Are you serious right now? That is the most dishonorable thing I've ever heard come out of somebody's mouth. Do you really think this whole thing is about you? The fate of the three races rests on your shoulders and you want to give up because it's 'too much'."

"I never asked for this!"

He moved closer to her, rage coursing through his body. Onyx felt frightened, she's never seen him like this before. "You're right, nobody asked for it to be your responsibility. To be frank, I'm personally pissed to know that this fell on someone as pathetic as you. But these are the cards we've been given and we have to deal with it. You've been given the highest honor, something that many dragons including myself have worked our entire lives for. To save the dragons. To save everyone! It's not about you."

He brought his face close to hers. "You are a coward, giving up on everyone including your family over a disagreement between you and your little infatuation. It's pathetic and disgusting. This war doesn't just affects us, it affects you, and until you get it through your thick skull, you'll continue to be a pathetic nobody who whines about things being 'too much'."

"So get up and go to the library!" he shouted in her face. Onyx sat wide-eyed and speechless. She never expected anything of that sort to come out of Cato's mouth. He's always been laid back. He's better at hiding his emotions than I thought.

Onyx knew he was right. She was being pathetic and childish. This war was to unite the three races together, and she was going to risk the lives of thousands, including her family, all because she had gotten into it with Keanu.

She silently got up and went to the library feeling foolish.


Onyx sat on the couch staring at her hands. I'm such a fool. I acted so selfishly in front of Cato, and now he thinks I'm a pathetic nobody. I need to make this up.

The door opened and Onyx looked up to find Keanu standing with his arms crossed.

"Keanu, I really wanted to apolo-"

He stuck his hand up. "No. I don't care and now is not the time." He walked towards her. "We have 3 months to cram in years of dragon training. Normally I would teach you cultures and traditions but we don't have time for that. I want to start with physical training so you can at least defend yourself and not just hide in a corner like a sack of potatoes."

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