Part 5: Will

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At this point, we should all ignore where i got my insult ideas. i'm just great at insulting and bickering

it might have been pinterest, but is wasn't.

Any way

Happy reading!- Solar

Will POV:

it was a long walk back to the infirmary, and it was filled with bickering. I never could imagine that the boy who would never talk to anyone, and would loom around on his own, would be able to spit shit so fast.

"if ignorance was a virtue, you'd be a saint by now" i objected

"Oh look at you, attempting greatness!" Nico sneered to me. "pity it's just an attempt."

"I've seen more formidable foes in a toddlers tantrum." I sneered back

"your wit is as sharp as a butter knife" he snapped back

By now a lot of campers were eyeing us, amused at our arguing, some confused.

i stopped to think. which was obviously an opening for him.

"by the time your finished thinking, i'll have already one this battle" He begins his speech "A moment of silence, please, for this pour souls intelligence"

 i stay silent and let him talk, my eyes wide, almost intrigued as to what he would say next.

"if you were any less threatening, you'd be a dandelion. and fun fact, i have been one, so i can say that."

"Your existence is proof that failure has a sense of humor"

"ah, the perfect example of how nature experiments with mistakes"

i stare in shock as Nico says all of this, and i look dumbfounded.

"you win Nico. i give up" i sigh exasperated, but still giving a small chuckle

"thats what i thought. Now, when do we have our next capture the flag?" Nico asks me.

"You are in no right to be playing Capture the flag for the next week Nico" My voice turns more stern.

"you're no fun Will." Nico sulks to me. it makes me feel a slight bit of empathy towards him.

"i used to be fun. and then my older brother died." I say very simply and easily.

"Same. except i had an older sister." he shoots back just as swift. 

By the time we arrive back to the infirmary, we are both silent. we walk to his assigned room and i stop near the door at a chart, while Nico continues walking inside. I write down on the chart our leave time and arrival back time.

"So Nico. What hobbies do you have?" i ask plainly, easing the tension.

"i only really had mythomagic. not many hobbies anymore. i'm really boring, i dont understand why you always make sure you're the one taking care of me when i'm here. I always get so confused when you smile at me every time you see me. people aren't usually happy to see me. Except maybe Hazel and Jason but they hardly ever visit this camp." Nico begins talking to me, and i listen carefully.

 My cheeks dust a light pink when he says he wonders about why i smile at him.

"Well, i take care of you because you're an amazing friend" i cringe at the word friend after i say it. "you saved our asses during the battle of Manhattan, and you deserve so much more than what you get. you've survived Tartarus, you closed the doors of death, you were trapped in a jar, and Cupid forced you to come out to Jason" i finish my list

"How do you know about that?!" Nico asks me in a defensive tone. 

"Jason trusted me with it. i asked him why you were weird around Percy for a while and he decided it was better to let me know. sorry if it was intrusive but as a doctor i prefer knowing as much about my favourite patients." i Say it before i even realise it, and after i process what i said, Nico was already talking to me again

"Favourite? how can I be your favourite patient? and that list of everything i've done is nothing compared to you. Also, I am still slightly bothered at what Jason told you" NIco says it all at once. i do in fact have a hard time keeping up.

"List all the things i've done that are better than you" i ask Nico, very confident he can't list many

"okay then" he shrugs to me. "You delivered a baby, you watched your brother die and didn't have time to grieve him, you watched your cabin be one of the fullest only for it to shrink down to three or four people, you out ran six romans and there are many more." Nico simply states to me.

i stand and stare at him frozen. After a few seconds i place the pen i was holding down on the clean bench and think about something

"You right Will? you've gone silent all of a sudden. it's freaking me out a bit." Nico asks, and i can hear his concern when he asks me.

"no i'm all good. Just remembering my siblings" i say quickly "there were so many of us." i whisper the last part hoping he doesn't hear.

"And yet you watched the all die. you're a lot more useful and helpful that you think Will. very talented" He says in a more soft voice. 

"But i can only makes me feel bad i couldn't help out more..." I admit, and my eye start watering. I quickly wipe them before any tears can fall. 

"You over work yourself so much just because you have only found one thing you're good at. You spend way to much time here in this bulding and as much as i hate to admit i have emotions, it concerns me. you barely come out to eat and i haven't seen you leave here for a decent period of time in a long while. " 

Nico says it all and i know he knows i'm about to snap. It's true, he's right. I have been over working myself, because i dont feel like i can do anything but heal and work. It's the only thing i'm good at, so i need to spend more time doing it. 

"It's funny how we went from bickering to a sudden therapy session..." i joke and force a smile.

"Will.." he says sternly, and i know it's not the time for jokes. 

"Sorry, i's not a good time for joking around..." i sigh before talking again "In all  seriousness, i just don't like leaving here. I don't do much anyway. And eating was never a problem for me, i don't do it often and i'm used to my cycle" i say, tired and worn out, as if i've just let go a huge burden, but it's really just a few words. 

I watch him walk up to me and i hear his soft footsteps tapping lightly on the floor. He pauses in front of me before wrapping his arms around me softly and hugging me. I stand there frozen, before i loosen up and hug him back. we stay like that and a few tears roll down my face. 

"I'm just so used to caring for people, i forget about myself...And eventually, i just stopped caring about me all together..." i admit, my voice soft and creaky, a few light sniffles were heard as well.

Nico doesn't let go and stays put, before talking "it's okay to need help sometimes, even if that help doesn't start as a big thing. Help can be in small ways, and right now you need at least some form of help. i'm here for you." Nico speaks gently to me. 

"thank you Nico...You're the best.."

Thanks! Remember to drink water and do healthy stuff!

Happy  reading -Solar

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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