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There in the middle of the forest forests laid an incident she wolf who was soon to give birth to a small Bach of pups. She had been traveling all day to escape the obea. The obea has been following her for awhile now and she knew it. She figured she would go to the outermost, give birth there, and come back to the beyond with her pup who would become a gnaw wolf. Gnaw wolves were the lowest ranks in the pack. They would be abuses by all the pack members and always be the last ones to eat. It was cruel but better than being abandoned. It had a better chance at survival like this.

Amber was the she wolf's name.she was a white wolf with green eyes like most wolves of the beyond. She was part of the Machealth clan which did not make things any easier. The Macheath clan was the worst of all clans in the beyond. They were as bad as the outermost wolves. So Amber was pretty sure she could handle what ever was throw at her out there

Amber was almost certain at least one of her pup would be born malcadh which meant cursed in the language of wolves. Malcadh wolves usually had some sort of deformity, missing limbs mostly. Her mother had a malcadh pup and she knew she would too.

"Arrrrr" she shrieked no, not now. The pups were coming and the obea would surely find her in the open. So close she thought I was so close to leaving this dreadful place. She had to find a place to settle down quick! She looked around trying to find anything that would make a decent place to have pups.

There was a small den which was weird because it looked like no other animal was out there to make it. As she stepped inside she noticed it would be alittle cramped, but she had no other choice. If only I had alittle more time she thought I could have made it out.

"Arrrr"she shrieked again please don't tell me they're out.she felt something squirming under her belly fur. As she looked she was surprise of what she had found. One male pup all alone who actually looked normal. Unbelievable she thought only one pup, and it's normal. She had a chuckle of relief all this running and the pup was normal.

Her pup was big and heavy. He was an only pup so he did grow more while Amber was pregnant. His fur was a Brown, black, and white like his father's. No one knew what happened to him, not even Amber. She assumed he was killed by an outermost wolf or something. Amber really didn't like her mate, he was rude and vary abusive, but then again all Macheath wolves were.

As the obea approached her she said "don't worry I won't run".

"Look the pup is not malcadh" she raised it up for the obea to inspect.

"Hmmm it seems so, but we should wait until a couple of moons to determine whether it may have a missing eye or crooked throat".

"The pup dosent open its eyes for at least 15 moons, what are we gonna do, wait for it to happen then go back".

"Yes"the obea said with a little smirk on her face.

"I will hunt for you to make sure that pup won't die, but if it does end up being malcadh" she paused

"you know what ill have to do".

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