training day

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"Kota wake up" Ben said. He shook him but that didn't do much. The moon was still out and he was still tired. He didn't get up till Ben finally pushed him off the tree.

"What's wrong with you" kota snapped as he hit the ground.

"I could have died"Ben never realized how much of a cry baby he was. Looks like Hera was right Ben thought.

"I told you to get up didn't I" he said smiling. He cleared his throat as he walked around him

"Listen up today starts your first day of training. It will be long and extremely difficult." Kota couldn't believe this. He woke me up for some dum speech.

"By the end of the day you'll be so tired that you'll be begging for mercy" Ben finished. He didn't feel bad about dropping him six feet off the ground. He needed to learn that he wasn't gonna baby him anymore.

"Now come on Hera's waiting for us" Ben ordered. He saw that kota was walking a bit funny.

"Fake limping won't get you out of this" he added as he walked on

When they got there Hera was already warming up. She run up tree's then kicked off doing a spectacular back flip. Kota was amazed, he's never Seen anything like it. She never messed up, always landing on her feet.

"You see now that takes a lot of practice" Ben said nudging kota. His attitude changed from whining to determination.

"Am I gonna learn how to do that" he said with excitement in his voice. Ben smiled, he finally wanted to do something.

"Slow down" Hera said coming up to kota

"First you need to strengthen up those claws and Ben here will show you how" she gave him the spotlight which he didn't expect.

"Ooo....ok well.... first things first let's get to the gravel" kota face expression changed.

"But I thought we were gonna start climbing" he whined. Ben shook his head, and here I thought his whining day's were over.

"In time dear" Hera said putting her paw on his shoulder.

As they walked to find some hard gravel kota couldn't wait. What could the training be he thought. If it was anything like what Hera was doing than he wouldn't complain.

"Here we are" Ben said. There were no tree's, no grass, no anything. Just dirt and rock that hurt your feet with every step.

"What are we doing here" he complained

"We're gonna dig" kota's jaw dropped. Dig, this ground is so hard nothing can penetrate it he thought. It was like Ben read his mind. He dug his claw deep in the gravel and pulled out a chunk of dirt.

"Now any more questions" kota was still unsure about this. He looked at Ben with worry on his face. Ben showed him his paw.

"Look" his claws were sharp and hard as rock.

"They don't even bend anymore" he said waving them around. Kota was shocked, how could they have gotten like he thought.

"I know yours can be like this too kota, you just have to trust me" there eyes locked for awhile now,not moving for some time. kota then scratched at the ground. It didn't do much but it was a start.

"Good now keep going till you get to some water" Ben said

"Will be here all day if we have to"

The day turned to night and still kota don't make much difference. He dug about three inches in the ground. His claws were bleeding and paws were swollen.

"Im tired" he whined

"Ok you can rest and get a drink when you reach some water" Ben stood up

"Where are you going" kota asked stopping

"Im going to sleep, you can come after you get down to that water"
Kota was by himself now, Hera had left awhile ago to hunt but he knew that was a lie. His front paws claws were useless. Most of them were chipped and bleeding. What am I gonna do he thought as he sat down. He looked at his front paws. if only I had...he quickly got up more paws.

Kota moved his hind legs around. How can I dig with these. He tried different ways till finally he found the most effective. Dirt flew behind him. Finally he was getting somewhere. Still he had to speed things up, he used front claws, back claws, even his dew claw to dig.

He went deeper and deeper till finally he hit water. Kota drank it quickly and continued to dig. More and more water kota couldn't believe it. I did it, I finally did it were his last thoughts before he fell into a dream less sleep.

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