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(Art belongs to @/doofazoid on IG!! (I love Floyd in their style sm 😭)

In this story, you, are a pop rock troll! You were captured by Velvet and Veneer who had dreams of becoming pop stars, but they didn't know how.. You're the first troll for them to use as trail and error the talent extraction process...

You generally didn't like singing with people around, it made you a bit anxious but you were more than willing to sing in larger groups or when you were just by yourself.

Being in the spotlight made you uncomfortable. So one day you were walking home alone after hanging out with a few people you knew at a party and you were still feeling very hyped, so you sang to yourself on the way home, as it was night time and nobody would hear you. Or so you thought..

On your walk home you heard weird stepping like noises? Something was off. It sounded way too big to be a troll, and way too light to be a Bergen.. Your voice faded out as you froze trying to listen to what was making the noises you heard, your heartbeat accelerating as you became paranoid, and rightfully so.

As you looked around, you were suddenly picked up by something really tall, and they looked like nothing you had ever seen before! "Wh-What are you? What do you want from me!" You yelled frantically trying to get out of the boys hands quickly, as they smiled at you, but this not a kind smile, a dark and evil one. You shivered as the other creature you didn't even notice there before began to speak "What are we? That doesn't matter. What does matter is that we are going to be Mount Ragous' biggest stars! Now that we've found you, little troll..."

Before you knew it you were caged between the boys hands and you couldn't get out. You tried biting the boys hand but he just reduced the space you had in between his hands every time you did, and after a few minutes you were stuck pancaked against the boys hands uncomfortably.

Once the tall creatures made it to their destination, they muttered about where to keep you trapped, and they opted on putting you in a glass terrarium while they worked on finding a better place to keep you trapped. You didn't want to be trapped somewhere so you tried to break the cage by sliding it off the table it was sat on, but unfortunately by the time you inched the heavy terrarium near the edge of the table, they noticed and put you all the way back.

After that they found whatever they were looking for and once again you were picked up and put somewhere else against your will. This time it was a purple perfume bottle?? You tried to fight against them but being about the size of their palm didn't really give you any advantages.

You still didn't know what the hell they wanted from you, the answer they gave you before made no sense.. yet. As they spoke about their plans vaguely you could only understand partially what they wanted. They wanted talent.. as you heard their horrendous raw singing voices. But you still didn't understand how you would solve their issues.

Your questions were soon answered when they grabbed the bottle you were in, not so gently, making you bump yourself around the walls at the unexpected movement before you felt a deep cold stabbing pain in the core of your being. All of the air left your lungs as you choked on your own breath. You didn't even know when you had been slightly lifted off of the floor but the next thing you could process was hitting the cold diamond floor suddenly as you heaved for air.

"What the hell was that!?" You yelled as you gripped your chest trying to breathe properly. The large beings ignored you as they began to sing, talking excitedly amongst themselves about how their 'plan worked'. You began to understand what they wanted from you. They wanted your talent.

As you were a pop rock troll their music didn't come out exactly as they hoped from your talent. They would still use your talent from time to time but it wasn't entirely what they envisioned, but they simply couldn't let you go after they basically stole your talent and tortured you, so you were left alone in the cold purple bottle for a long time, or maybe not that long? It was hard to tell without any windows or clocks.

Throughout the time you were trapped, without supervision, you would bang on the walls and try to escape, which only resulted in bruised knuckles and a deep feeling of hopelessness.

You had seen Velvet and Veneer come and go in and out of the room every once in a while, every time they were gossiping or complaining about something new. After a while of this routine they finally took the bottle with you in it and relocated to some sort of producing room? You weren't quite sure, but it was a change of scenery and as long as you weren't having your life force taken from you, it was nice to see something new.

Fortunately for you it became less lonely when they hired an assistant that was always hovering around and seemingly anxious. She always muttered to herself and skittered around, which was entertaining to watch. It kept you somewhat sane throughout the time you were stuck there without anyone to talk to.

You never spoke to the assistant, that you learned was named Crimp. She didn't necessarily seem evil, she even seemed more of a victim than you were most of the time. She was very easy to read, that is if she wasn't verbalizing her thought processes aloud.

You had heard Velvet and Veneer plotting on catching other trolls that better suit their "dream talent" as they would put it. This information only made you feel anxious. More trolls like yourself in this situation didn't sound good. You at least hoped that if they tried to catch other trolls, they would get caught in the act.

But apparently hoping wasn't enough, as the two mount rageons came back with something in their hands..

||Word count 1098! Alright the scene is set! I haven't written a fan fiction since like.. 2019 ☠️. So please bear with me here LMAO. If there's anything I messed up please let me know, I'm very open to criticism! Anyway thank you for reading so far :D!! ||

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