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(Art by @/ohposhers on tumblr!)

M/n's Pov

You and Floyd had been talking and asking eachother questions for a while laughing and beginning to learn in depth more about each other.
Floyd told you about how he had four other brothers, and they used to he a band! You thought that was so cool. You told Floyd about your fear of public performances, but how you enjoyed singing regardless.

Later on the conversation drifted to experiences and memories, so you told Floyd about the times you heard Velvet and Veneer sing terribly. Well mostly Veneer, but anyway. Floyd laughed as he began to speak about all the times his brothers would get into silly arguments before his expression fell.
You looked at him worried, as you hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder "Hey, are you okay?" You asked, as he looked up at you with a sad smile on his face "yeah. I just miss them. I haven't seen them in a very long time. More than twenty years by now." He admitted his tail swaying around in a not so happy manner. You nodded as you offered him a hug which he took gratefully.

"Listen we'll get out of here somehow!" You said trying to be optimistic though you yourself really had no hope for escaping this place either. Floyd didn't say anything but he did nod gently in acknowledgement as he was released from the hug.
The two of you began talking again but this time the air wasn't as light and after long velvet and veneer came back.

You and Floyd quieted down as the mount rageons spoke. "Who would have thought that a pop rock troll and pop troll were the perfect combination! It's still pop but a little bit different makes us unique and stand out!" Velvet grinned as she walked over to the perfume bottle picking it up and shaking it around a little. "Did you hear that trolls? We're going to need a lot more out of you from now on!" She laughed as you and Floyd tried to keep your bearings.

You growled as you tried to stand up, pointing a finger at Velvet opening your mouth to insult her before Floyd grabbed your arm shaking his head. "Remember what happened last time!" He pleaded as you sighed, your shoulders relaxing as you sat down begrudgingly, closing your eyes. You were usually anxious about negative attention but when someone upset you, you always spoke up. Maybe you just had no patience for things? That or you just can't process your anger well.

External Pov

Velvet put the perfume bottle down with a scoff, as she walked away. It was pretty late and everyone was about ready to go for the day. The two trolls were slumped down in the bottle as Crimp was locked into the closet.. again. Velvet and Veneer turned the lights off in the room for the night and everything became silent, well.. almost silent. Crimp could be heard calling out for someone to let her out but unfortunately nobody came to her aid. Though she did have her ukulele in there with her, so the two exhausted trolls listened to her play as they fell asleep.

In the middle of the night.. or maybe morning? M/n really didn't know, but at some point they woke up due to how insanely cold it was in the diamond bottle, with no warm surfaces. Just a cold smooth floor. M/n shivered as they sat upright, bringing their knees to their chest trying to keep their own warmth close. M/n sighed a bit annoyed they couldn't sleep with how uncomfortable and cold the diamond surface was. M/n was too deep in thought to realize Floyd was sitting upright too but their attention was brought to him when he spoke.

"You cold too?" He asked looking at m/n, who jumped slightly looking over at Floyd surprised for a few moments before they remembered they had to answer. "Oh- yeah. Can't sleep it's too uncomfortable" m/n admitted.
M/n wore baggy black pants with colorful stitching. The pants were too long on them that it went over their feet, resulting in the ends of the pants to be a bit tattered from dragging them on the floor. Aside from that they wore a plain tattered tank top with some colorful armbands and fishnet sleeves. They weren't enough to keep their body warm though, which made m/n think about how much worse it probably felt to Floyd who was only wearing some shorts.

Floyd hummed at m/n's response as he looked up at the top of the diamond cage with a sigh. "How have you managed to sleep here at all? It's so uncomfortable" Floyd complained lightheartedly. "Well after a while you just get so tired and bored that where doesn't really matter" m/n chuckled as they stood up stretching their store legs and arms.
"Well now that you're not alone it should be less boring?" Floyd said hopefully as M/n nodded with a smile. "Yeah you're right!" M/n smiled as they went to sit next to Floyd. "Well if we're closer the heat should keep close." M/n said as they sat down, not close enough for them to be touching though. Floyd nodded a bit shocked but didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"Hey can I sit closer? Maybe if we lean against each other it'll be warm enough to sleep?" Floyd offered sheepishly. M/n stared at him for a long moment before they nodded slowly.
Floyd scooted over, and sat shoulder to shoulder with m/n. Both Floyd and M/n relaxed  against each other, enjoying the warmth more than anything. A relived sigh came from Floyd as he leaned against m/n some more. "Sorry you can tell me to give you more space if I'm being too much" Floyd said, his eyebrows lowering on his face as he felt worried he was going too far. M/n shook their head briefly before they giggled "don't worry! I'm cold too, I totally get it. But at least I have pants on.. so it must be so much colder to you huh?" M/n questioned, though they weren't expecting an answer.

Floyd just nodded as he rested his head against M/n's shoulder hesitantly, before relaxing into them, feeling tired.
M/n froze for a brief moment, blushing a bit. Finding the situation to be unexpected, but brushed it off a few seconds later. They rested their head against Floyd's head, feeling his soft pink hair against the side of their face, as they began to fall asleep.

Before the two trolls knew it, it was the next day.
M/n and Floyd were not so nicely awoken by Velvet knocking the perfume bottle other to make room for her manicure station? Seriously who needs one of those in a producing room? Anyway the two trolls tumbled awake, finding themselves on top of each other. Floyd had ended up lying down in an uncomfortable position with his head slightly elevated against the wall of the bottle in a not so comfy way. M/n on the other hand found themself half on top Floyd horizontally, their body slumped over as they felt their head spin.

Both Floyd and M/n had hit their heads at the unexpected movements, both of them didn't move away from one another as they were more focused on easing the pain they were feeling.
Once M/n's head pain died down, they realized what had happened, then they processed the current positions they were currently in with Floyd. This made them scramble to get up, the rapid and sudden movement made their head hurt for a moment, causing them to wince.

Floyd had recovered and scooted to sit upright himself looking over at M/n. "You okay?" He asked, his expression was gentle and caring. M/n smiled, a bit embarrassed and nodded "yeah, I'm alright. I just hit my head. You did too right? Are you okay?" They asked, Floyd nodded.

The two trolls were too distracted with themselves to realize Velvet getting irritated with their conversations. She sat upright as Crimp began to do her nails, an irked expression on her face. "Hey you trolls!" She yelled at them making M/n jump slightly and turn around to look at the large mount rageon.
"If you don't quiet down I'll put you guys in different containers so you can't talk with each other. I saw the way you guys were cuddling up together, I know you don't want to be separated." She huffed as Veneer began to complain about how he liked seeing the "silly little trolls bonding" and how he "didn't want to separate them" so he could see them "play together" Which only made the two talent havers cringe uncomfortably.

|| Word count: 1566 yippeee more story completed!!! The sillies 🫶. Anyway I'm so sorry if the spacing is so bad I really can't process where spacing is appropriate so it's all just like, large puddles of information at a time. (I basically use pov changes to break stuff up 😭). I know personally I find it hard to read this way but I also find it even harder to figure out where the right places to put spaces between are </3. But I hope you liked this so far! ||
(Also if you're getting an update from this, I'm adding spacing bc ppl have been making fun of the big block of text, ITS HARD TO TELL WHERE TO BREAK IT UP OKAY 😭 give me a break 💔)

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