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(Art by @/doofazoid)

M/n's Pov

It's been a few days and you and Floyd had been given a bit of a break. Which the two of you could not be any more thankful for. You and Floyd were talking about music you guys enjoyed to each other before the door swung open to the room.

"Velvet please! You're going to kill them before long. We should save as much as we can before the rage dome show!" Veneer whined, while Velvet scoffed.
"Listen bro, if we're going to make public appearances we need to be at top form. What if a fan asks for us to sing to them? Not like I would reduce myself down to that anyway, but I want to be able to anyway." She said waving her hand dismissively at Veneer smirking as she picked up the bottle, spritzing herself.
"Ah, this feeling never gets old! And we won't have to worry once we get brozone and the L/n family." She giggled "I love me!" She said.

You struggled to sit up on your knees as you grimaced "what do you mean the L/n family- how did you know they were- where did you find them!" You hissed taking in deep breaths, yours and Floyd's hair paling. "Oh don't worry. We have crimp do background checks! We will find everything out, even the parts you thought were long hidden away" she said casually making you shiver.

"Listen, they don't even have much talent combined, there's no point. Plus I doubt they would come to my rescue" you frowned as Velvet shrugged "it's worth a shot. We'll take as many trolls as we can get our hands on." She said making you sit back dejected. You hated the idea, you hadn't talked to them for a very long time, and you didn't want to talk to them any time soon. But even if you didn't want to talk to them, you also didn't want their lives to be put in danger. The thoughts were conflicting as the two evil beings left the room.

Floyd sat next to you with a worried look on his face, but you were too wrapped up in your own head to pay him any mind. "Everything will be okay" Floyd said as he wrapped his arm around you.

You let out a deep sigh before you spoke "Is it bad that what I'm most worried about is seeing them? Instead of them being put in danger? I mean of course I'm worried and I don't want them to be in any trouble or danger but I really don't want to see them again, at least not now." You said leaning your head on his shoulder enjoying the comfort "that's okay! It's not like you're wishing them harm, you want them to be okay! And that's what proves you're a genuine and kind person. The only issue I see is that you haven't been given a good chance to heal from what they did to you and that's okay too. Everyone learns and heals at different paces, and you have every right to not want to see them." He reassured and you nodded taking his words to your core relaxing a little bit.

"Yeah.. thank you." You smiled leaning into Floyd closing your eyes. It was still pretty exhausting to have your talent stolen. After long the two of you fell asleep, albeit a bit uncomfortably. Well, nothing was all that comfortable in the bottle anyway.

The next day you woke up, your eyes taking a few moments to focus. You saw that you were still leaning on Floyd so you moved away stretching your body. Floyd stirred after you moved, groaning cracking his neck as he sat all the way up "Morning.." he mumbled in his sleepy voice.

You chuckled replying briefly standing up and stretching all the way. "Hey so do you remember when the rage dome show or whatever it is, is?" You asked a bit worried. If the two of you were not saved by then, the likelihood of both of you surviving through this was very slim.

"Uh, today or tomorrow I think?" Floyd said unsure and your eyes almost popped out of your head "TODAY?!" You yelled making Floyd jump at your outburst. Apparently the days just phased together for you because you were not expecting it to be so soon. "Uh- yeah, I heard Crimp talk about it to Velvet and Veneer the other day.. about it being in a couple of days. It's just kind of hard to tell what day it is in here." Floyd explained as you nodded slowly processing everything.

This was not looking good for the two of you. "Hey, uh. Floyd?" You turned to him nervously you guys had to think of another plan or something if his brothers ended up failing. Sorta like your last ditch effort. "Yeah?" Floyd said looking over at you waiting for you to continue talking. "Why don't we try playing dead?" You asked "well, I can't really think of any other ideas- but we should at least try to see if they will give up if they think we're dead?" You said and Floyd nodded thinking about your idea "well since our options are pretty limited,, I think it's worth a shot?" Floyd hummed, looking over at something on the other side of the room.

You followed his gaze landing on some sort of shoulder pad outfit top? You didn't quite understand what was so important about it but Floyd began to talk again. "Crimp was working on that thing while you were asleep. It some kind of- scent extractor." He said slowly making you gasp. "You don't think-" you were cut off by Floyd "yeah." You felt your heart drop to your stomach. "No way." You mumbled sitting down dejected.

While you and Floyd spoke for a few hours about ideas on what to do in the worst case scenario his brothers couldn't save them, the twins entered the room. The two trolls knew what to do and laid lifelessly on the floor of the bottle. It took everything in you not to laugh at Floyd sticking his tongue out.

Velvet picked up the bottle and shook it around a little as both you and Floyd flung around the bottle like ragdolls. Veneer could be heard panicking about how they killed you guys, so your plan was working out well.
Though unfortunately their plan on disposing you guys was to flush you down the toilet? You opened your eyes slighty to see the toilet under you guys. This wasn't how you thought it would go, but the plan wasn't exactly full proof..

You subtly nudged Floyd as he got the memo, and both of you stood up suddenly and shoved the bottle out of Velvets grip, rolling down away and out of the room, down the hallway. You tried to keep up, but since you hadn't been doing as many workouts as Floyd had been doing regularly, you ended up messing up your footing and tripping.

You yelled as you were spun in circles against the diamond walls, but Floyd didn't stop running. You couldn't blame him at all though. Out of nowhere the glass bottle came to a stop and you grabbed your head as it spun. "I'm going to throw up.." you mumbled trying to look at anything but everything was moving too fast for you to process.

After a few moments you finally had your bearings back and you saw that Veneer had caught you guys and was handing the bottle over to Velvet. You cursed under your breath trying to lean back to lay down properly but you just ended up bonking your head on accident with your head still slightly spinning.

You had faint memories of hearing Floyd and Veneer speak but the words were hard for you to process. You were 80% sure you gave yourself a minor concussion.

Once Velvet put you guys back on the table, she looked at Veneer and said something about checking the parking space? Whatever it was you were too overwhelmed with how badly your head felt after spinning and hitting your head so hard.

Floyd sat frustrated gripping his head tightly, upset about how they were captured again. "Did you see that guy! We ran right under his legs and he didn't even bat an eye!" He groaned as you stared at Floyd confused.

You didn't know any of what he was talking about but you did know that now wasn't the time to say anything that could further bother him. "Hey, it's okay! Our plan had so many holes, the fact that we got away for even a second was amazing" you said with a smile.

Floyd looked up at you and smiled back, bringing his hands down to his lap. "You're right. I guess we just have to rely on my brothers now. As Floyd said that, something moved just outside the bottle making you jump, stepping back looking at whatever had just stopped by?

|| Word Count 1487!! A lot happened, so this chapter may be a liiiiittle bit rushed? If so I'm really sorry if it comes off that way- I hope it's good regardless lol. Cya tmr!||

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