Curious (C.S.)

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i tried to write this with southern accents but it was cringe so use ur imagination ok xx

(Request) Y/n is curious about Cairo's new smoking habit

"Those things will kill you." Y/n directs to Cairo as they sat on the balcony, basking in the Tennessee moonlight to the soothing soundtrack of the ever-present crickets. Cairo purses her lips to release a silk cloud of smoke in an effortless fashion, serving as a testament to the frequency of her newfound habit. The cloud dissipates around Cairo's features, which always looked extra ravishing in the blueish white hue of the moon. It's the primary reason that Y/n always suggested them coming out here.

Cairo shrugs, "As does life, Y/n." She shoots Y/n a small, playful smile, which never failed to make her heart flutter.

"What's the point, though? It doesn't even get you high." Y/n asks, her curiosity peeking through her words as she watches Cairo take another drag. Her eyes naturally train to her lips, of which she was almost always caught staring but continued to do it anyway. Cairo was well aware of Y/n's attraction to her - it had been a running joke over the course of their friendship, and although Y/n was glad that Cairo didn't take any disliking to it, it was painful at times to know that Cairo will never actually want her in that way. Still - she'd rather have her as a friend than nothing at all. 

"There's a little head rush to it." Cairo reasons with another shrug, "And I like how it fits in my fingers." A subtle smirk tugs at Cairo's lips, to which Y/n can't help but match as she knew exactly what her best friend was alluding at. Their sexually charged banter was a staple in their relationship, and Y/n was always happy to indulge in it - despite the way it frustrated her at times. Y/n sometimes got the feeling that Cairo enjoyed it a little more than she lead on, but she always attested it to her wishfully gay little heart.

"I bet you'd like how I fit even better." Y/n feeds into the innuendo, earning a playful eye roll from Cairo, as if she weren't expecting the comment - which Y/n knew damn well she did. She then bites her lip in a way that made Y/n's stomach churn in the best and worst of ways.

"So you've told me." Cairo faces Y/n with a dimpled smile, "You look like you wanna try."

"Your fingers? Honey, you know I do." Y/n bites back a smug grin as Cairo shoved her shoulder with a chuckling scoff. Y/n swears she can see a blush trickle onto her cheeks, but the dim lighting made it difficult to tell.

"The smoke, you horny bastard." Cairo all but groans with a smile as she waved the cigarette near Y/n, "You want to or not?"

Y/n contemplates for a moment as she glanced at the cigarette between Cairo's gorgeous fingers that she really did long for, "You do look hot when you smoke. That's the only appeal."

"I bet you'd look even hotter." Cairo's voice fries as she mimicked Y/n's suggestive tone, prompting a flush of heat to flood from her head to her toes. This girl was gonna be the death of her one day - but at least she'd die happy.

"C'mon. Give her a go." Cairo ushers the cigarette further toward Y/n, who eyes it unsurely before taking it into an awkward grasp. Her eyes glance to Cairo, who watches her with that dimpled smile that Y/n could never say no to.

"You're a terrible influence." Y/n teases.

"Oh, please. Look in the mirror." Cairo returns the teasing before gesturing for Y/n to take a hit with a nod of her head. Y/n keeps her eyes on Cairo as she brings the cigarette to her lips, feeling the slight stickiness of the girl's chapstick that already had her head spinning before she took a sharp inhale, the smoke immediately burning the back of her throat in a harsh fury. Y/n coughs - violently - as she attempted to rid her palette of the ashy taste and stinging sensation.

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