Promise (J.O.)

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Jenna and Y/n have been dating in secret for the better part of a year. While Y/n has been more than understanding to Jenna's reluctance to come out, her patience is wearing thinner by the day.

The glitz and glamour of the Emmy Awards illuminated the night, casting a palpable glow over the red carpet where movie stars and industry professionals alike strutted in their finest attire. Jenna could hardly believe she was here as she smiled bright for the cameras, her dazzling gown shimmering under the relentless flashes while her heart raced with nervous anticipation as the unknown result of her first ever nomination hung in the air.

Her heart was unsteady for another reason too, however, one completely unknown to the public. Waiting in the wings of the red carpet was Y/n, Jenna's constant companion and love of her life. There was a strained energy between them tonight, eclipsing the nearly tangible buzz of their excitement, because they'd gotten into yet another heated argument over Jenna's resistance to coming out publicly as a couple. Jenna knows the revelation is long overdue, she knows she's hurting Y/n by shying away from her truth, but the daunting prospect of the world's opinions, judgments, and invasiveness about her sexuality and relationship were holding her back with an iron fist, turning her into a coward. Completely uncharacteristic to her, but too safe to resist. Being catapulted into the limelight had its many drawbacks, and constantly being under the microscope of millions was certainly one of them.

Still, Jenna was painfully aware of how unfair it was to Y/n to be keeping their love hidden, especially given how patient and compassionate she's been over the past year. Which is why Jenna promised Y/n tonight that, should she win her nomination, she will acknowledge her as her girlfriend in her acceptance speech. It was a promise she intended on keeping, especially with seeing the way Y/n's face had lit up, joyous and beautiful, but there was a lurking part of her, the coward, who selfishly hoped that she didn't win tonight, just so she could have an excuse to hide in the safety of their sacred, untouched cocoon a little bit longer. The guilt was enough to make Jenna be sick, if not for the flashy distractions that engulfed her at every turn with being at one of the most prestigious award shows of the year.

Even with her promise, Y/n wasn't letting her hopes get too high, and Jenna could sense that; it was the cause for their lingering tension. It made her feel like absolute shit that Y/n couldn't will herself to have complete faith in her, but she couldn't blame her. Because, well, why would she? Jenna's insisted on keeping their relationship under wraps for a year, so why would anything be any different tonight? Especially tonight, with more people than usual deliberately watching? The question reeled through Jenna's already overcrowded mind as she waltzed through the red carpet on autopilot. Smiling when she was supposed to, talking when she was supposed to, stealing glances at Y/n when she wasn't supposed to. The muscle in her chest was a heavy, chaotic mess when she finally met Y/n in the wings, her stunning figure and vibrant smile the slightest bit faltered with the looming uncertainty that hung between them.

"You ready?" Y/n said, her voice barely audible over the commotion. She was nervous for more reasons than one, but she was attempting a brave face for Jenna. Maybe trying to silently urge her to follow through on her promise, on top of being generally supportive as she always was. Jenna nods with a smile, her nerves restricting her voice. Jenna's hand twitches to find its home in Y/n's, but she remembers in a somber epiphany that there were still far too many pairs of eyes on her. On them. She should be used to this dance by now, but she never quite got accustomed to going against her affectionate nature. Y/n's hand almost lands on Jenna's lower back to guide them to the entrance, but she retracts, serving as a humbling reminder to Jenna of all that was riding on her - and their relationship - tonight.


As they took their seats inside the theater, Y/n just couldn't shake the bitterness that gnawed at her, mixing with the pride and excitement she felt for Jenna in an emotional cocktail that was anything but pleasant. Their argument from not two hours ago lingered in her racing pulse and chewed lip, the heated words exchanged between them ruminating in her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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