⋆⁺₊⋆𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1⋆⁺₊⋆

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The form of a small girl sat in the corner of a bright room, with white walls, and tiles.

In the other side of the room sat a cage with a small white dog inside of it, the dog had a small bowl of water Infront of it, the dog moved slightly bowing it's head to drink.

The girl flinched at the small movement, her ruby red eyes looking through her knees at the small creature as it moved around, it's tail wagging gently, the girl flinching every time the dog moved.

"201 proceed with the order" a loud voice suddenly rung out throughout the room, the girl flinching violently at the sudden loud voice, covering her ears gently, swallowing thickly and getting up slowly.

The girl pushed her soft turquoise locks away from her face, her body shook violently as she stood up, staring at the dog silently as she raised her small hand shakily.

The dog suddenly yelped before moving around frantically, a sudden loud boom sounding throughout the room.

The girl fell down to the floor, cowering in the corner with a small whimper and watery eyes, on the other of the room stood a cage now empty, covered in red.

"Order obeyed, you may go back." The voice rung out again, the form of a tall woman walked into the room, grabbing the small girl who whimpered, the woman grabbing her left arm roughly, dragging her outside the room, after placing two orange bracelets onto her small wrists.

No mercy, No mistakes, No disobedience.

These words rung out throughout the girl's head violently, turning muffled as her vision started to darken slowly, turning into a once familiar dark void.



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The form of a black haired girl sat on her desk, pastel pink headphones with black accents placed on her head, the girl watching a video of a cat on the laptop placed Infront of her quietly.

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