⋆⁺₊⋆𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2⋆⁺₊⋆

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"Even if I have a lot to learn... I'll focus on what I can do right now. SMASH!" The green haired boy said, eyes shining in determination, whipping the ball as hard as he could in the air with the use of his quirk, air and dirt blowing from the strength of his throw, the students around Asami gasping as the ball disappeared.

Kaminari covered his eyes quickly, covering Asami's eyes with the hand that was thrown over her shoulder, after the burst of wind and dirt went away, Kaminari's hands dropped from Asami's face.

Kaminari looked at her quickly double checking if she's okay with his eyes, before looking towards Midoriya again excitedly.

Asami took a deep breath, her shoulders unwinding under Kaminari's warm arm, the girl looking at the boy with green hair, she wondered how strong he was, if he was just using his finger, what would happen when he uses his entire fist or even arm.

The device in Aizawa's hand beeped '705.3', the students around gasping in excitement, some even cheering for the boy.

"It hurts, but not as bad as before.Mr. Aizawa." Midoriya said happily, eyes shining brightly, Aizawa smirked at the boy's words, the boy curling his fingers in a fist excitedly, lips pursing in slight pain as his finger turned a deep purple color.

"He threw it over 700 meters!" Kaminari yelled excitedly next to Asami, pulling her closer to his side unconsciously, eyes practically shining with excitement.

Uraraka whooped excitedly, saying something about being hero like that Asami couldn't pick up, over the excitement radiating from her side like the bright sun.

Asami's fingers twitched slightly fidgeting with her bandages, that were now growing dry with the sudden gust of wind, Iida commented on how weird the boy's quirk was if it hurt him, Kaminari agreeing slightly.

"It's not very stylish" a boy with blonde hair and bright yellow eyes and a french accent said, Asami didn't know his name but knew he could shoot laser from his stomach, and that he sat Infront of her in class, Asami always saw sparkles around the boy somehow.

Asami's gaze moved towards Bakugo, the ash blonde stood still, mouth wide and figure stiff, his fists shaking slightly, Asami knew he had history with Midoriya but didn't know to what extent, the girl watched the blonde shake with silent fury, the green haired boy oblivious to it all as he stared happily at his hands.

"What the hell was that?" Bakugo muttered under his breath, Asami hearing him as Kaminari was quiet, just smiling and chatting every now and then, with his arm still draped across Asami's slightly cold shoulders.

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