Chapter 11 - Reflecting

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Cory and Shawn were back at the bungalow, contemplating on their current situation.
"Nice move, genius," Shawn said, leaning against the counter.
"What?" Cory shrugged.
"Let's go to the market, not buy Topanga a single thing, and then nearly get caught as we leave your idiot brother in the Topanga zone unsupervised!" Time was running out. They had to think of something. "I hope nothing happened..." Shawn was beginning to worry that Topanga was on to them.
"Look, I realize it was a dumb idea to waltz in there without a plan. But I didn't know she was going to be there. I went there to try and get a plan!" Cory replied.
"I thought the plan was to lead her outside with notes and rose petals," Shawn reminded him.
"Oh yeah." Cory had almost forgot what they came for in the first place. "Why don't we buy some chocolates and pick some flowers-while avoiding the girlfriend-and write some notes right now?"
"There's the Romeo I know." Shawn nodded. They were getting somewhere.
Suddenly, Eric came through the door.
"Hey, guys."
"Eric, where have you been?" Cory stood up.
"The market. Like I was supposed to be. I think." He replied.
"Topanga doesn't know we're here, does she?" Shawn asked.
Eric laughed, a little nervously.
"Why would she?" He asked, trying to avoid a lie. There was a pause.
"Where the heck is your other shoe?" Cory asked, staring at his bare foot.
"Oh. It's with some clerk back at the market. I traded it for this." Eric pulled the seashell he bought earlier out of his pocket for them to see.
"A shell?" Shawn raised his brow. "You traded your shoe for that?"
Eric nodded.
"That's nice, sweetie, I'm sure Topanga will fall to her knees when she sees it." Cory said, with heavy sarcasm.
"Fine, don't give it to her." Eric said. He saw some string on the counter, grabbed it, and walked out the door. "But this cost me a shoe!" He shouted.

"C'mon Topanga."

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