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A high ringing tone screeched through the air in UA. The villain alarm. In a second everything turned into chaos. Students screaming, pushing and yelling to come first out of the building. They all had terror written in their faces, eyes blown wide while they ran and tumbled over each other. Izuku felt panic and pure terror rise in his stomach, to afraid to think straight.

 He was forcefully pushed out of the classroom by his classmates and into the chaos. Izuku didn't know where he was, only that he was surrounded by other students. He was pushed and driven forward by the bodies, too desperate to come out, to step aside.

Izuku tried finding even footing but tumbled each time to the ground again and again. His heart pumped in his chest and he could feel his panic increasing. The other students had to come down or else none would get out in time. Izuku tried one last attempt and pushed himself up forcefully, looking around for his classmates. But all he could see was the grey, green and red from the school uniforms.   

Izuku tried to call out for Iida or Uraraka but his voice drowned in the high voices of students. In a second he was pushed down again under a mass of shoes and legs. Izuku tried to crawl but his hands were quickly stepped on, shooting pain into his fingers. He yelled out in pain and yanked his hand back. Then he felt a grip on his collar and he was yanked up from the ground in a tight grip. Izuku yelled out in surprise and was met with Katsukis red eyes boring into his.

Izuku's breath hitched and tried to wiggle out of the taller male's grip. He gasped then Katsuki dragged him with him, pushing and shoving other students aside with raw strength.


Izuku was tossed into the boys bathroom by Katsuki and away from all the chaos. The bathroom was empty to there luck. The blond shut the door without leaving Izuku's eyes. The smaller male gulped and stared nervously up at his rescuer. He walked a few steps back but got stopped by the wall. The cold stone pressed against his back, preventing him from fleeing. 

This feels oddly familiar Izuku thought. The sounds from the other students could still be heard but not so loud. The bathroom smelled and Izuku was very aware how his heart quickened. Katsuki stared him down like he did at the library and held his predatory gaze. In a second he was  over the smaller male and bent down so he was face to face with Izuku.

The sweet scent of caramel filled Izuku's nose and he had to fight the urge to sniff in the calming smell. Katsuki held his neutral face and the smaller male saw how those red eyes studied him. Heat rised slowly to Izuku's face and he inhaled deeply. Somehow he was not afraid of Katsuki like he was the first time. He opened his mouth to speak but his voice wouldn't obey him to form the words. 

Izuku held his breath, he didn't dare close his eyes. He wanted to see Katsukis every move, every sound he made. Then like the first time the blonde's face came closer and closer til Izuku could feel Katsukis breath on his lips. His heart pumped loudly in his ears, a little afraid that Katsuki might hear it.  

Then Izuku felt lips against lips, soft and caring. Katsukis lips were warm and incredibly soft, much softer than they looked like. It lasted a little longer than the first time, maybe three seconds or so before Katsuki pulled away. He didn't say a word and held Izuku's eyes a bit. He then quickly straightened his posture, again taller than Izuku and dashed out the bathroom door. 

 Izuku really had to find out what all this kissing was about.  Katsuki wouldn't do it just to mess with him. If he wanted to do that he would just beat him up. Izuku shook the thought away, he could over think that later. Right now there were more important things going on.  Izuku shook his head and headed outside the bathroom, not caring if the chaos still was going.

 Izuku was expecting to see students screaming but instead his eyes found Iida standing above the door and yelling for everybody to calm down. Apparently there were no villains, instead news reporters had somehow got into UA ground without permission and had set the alarm in motion.  

Izuku sighed in relief and caught himself looking around for spiky blonde hair.

"Hey Deku are you okay?" Urarakas voice sounded and Izuku jumped at the sudden outburst. "I didn't see you? But that was properly because of all the chaos. Hey, why is your face so red?"

"What! My face isn't red" Izuku defended himself, blushing more at the obvious lie.

"Yes it is, your face is as red as Kirishima's hair" the big eyed girl teased and giggled at Izukus attempt to hide his face with his hands. "But really where were you?"

Should I tell her? Izuku thought. Maybe she could help with the whole Kacchan mystery. No, I should wait.

It had only happened twice so Izuku just shook his head and said it was nothing while walking with Uraraka back to class. 

Still Izuku couldn't stop thinking about the kiss or rather the kisses. Would Kacchan do it again?  

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