Chapter 2

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Third Person's POV

At Cerise Laboratory where Ash, Goh, Jaune, and Ale are just waking up to their first morning there; Ale's currently in the kitchen finishing making breakfast with the help of his Tsareena and Audino; while he wears a oversized peach colored shirt with a Audino face printed in it, some white pajama pants and his hair's tied up to a high bun.

Ale wipes the sweat off his forehead "Alright, all set!" he states before seeing Mr. Mime who's doing vacuum cleaning gestures "Hey Mr. Mime you wouldn't mind wake the others up, Although I think Jaune's already awake since I didn't see him in bed when I woke up" he tells the Psychic and Fairy type Pokémon who nod before leaving to wake up Ash and Goh.

Once Mr. Mime's no longer in sight he hears the front door open Ale sees Jaune walking in sweaty shirtless and wiping the sweat off with a hand towel; Ale's sees Jaune's upper body with his eight pack and markable biceps, that his face turns red and looks away trying not to make himself look like a pervert.

'I know that Jaune could be built but that's straight up ripped' he says to himself.

"You made food, Ale?" Ale flinch hearing Jaune from behind him.

"U-Uh, Yeah, Professor Cerise thought it was a good idea for me to cook for today as he goes off to work" Ale explains.

Jaune nod "Alright, I'm gonna go shower after that long morning run with Arthur" Jaune says as he and Arthur left the kitchen making Ale sigh with relief.

"Dear Arceus, this man will be the death of me without even trying" Ale says as he Tsareena and Audino begin to set up the table.

Once they're done, they see Ash and Goh walking in the dining room and their eyes lighten up with awe making Ale giggle.

"Good morning to you guys, too" the pink hair boy says.

"Is it all-you-can-eat?" Ash asks as Pikachu happily cries.

"What else, Ash? Don't forget our special status here" Goh tells Ash "We're this lab two of the four official research fellows!" he adds.

"I like the way that sounds" Ash says.

"Yeah, right?" Goh agrees.

Ale laughs nervously "True, but let's not get that over our heads because at the end of the day we're still us regardless of any status you get, any who, please enjoy the food while I go and change" he tells them before leaving to change.

Goh realizes "Wait you cooked all of this Ale?" he asks.

"Yeah, with the help of Audino and Tsareena here, I was able to make all of this in less than an hour" he says before he actually leaves to change his clothes and since he already showered.

meanwhile Ash and Goh are eating the food Ale prepared.

"Man, Ale really made some good food" Ash says as Pikachu agrees before continuing on eating.

Goh looks at the food and nod "Yeah, whoever the lucky individual is they will be the luckiest to have Ale as their partner, he could be a very great husband" he says.

Ash nods "I can see that as well" he says.

"Pika!" Pikachu cries.

Ash and Goh then see Professor Cerise and Chloe walking in on them "Good morning" the adult greets the two young men.

"Good morning, Professor!" Ash says.

Goh looks at Chloe but before he could greet her, he sees something different in her "Good morning, Chloe" he then greets the female out of shock.

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