Chapter 3

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Third Person's POV

It was morning and Jaune was fixing the red scarf in montage his once friend 'I wonder how you're doing Pyrrha?' Jaune wonders.

Arthur is sitting on the ground with his legs crossed meditating and a yellow colored aura is surrounding Arthur.

Jaune sees his Pokémon partner before looking down at his own hand and sees his aura and smiles sadly "I miss everyone" he mutters to himself

Jaune hears the door knocking and sees Ale walking into the room wearing his clothes and his long pink hair is styled to a low braid.

"Morning, Jaune" Ale greets as Tsareena and Audino walk in after their trainer.

Jaune smiles "morning" he greets back.

Arthur opens his eyes and smiles at Ale.

"Sleep well?" Ale asks as he check on his bag.

Jaune shrugs "kind of, woke up in the middle of the night but I went back to sleep after" he says.

Ale looks at Jaune "nightmare?" He questions.

The blonde shakes his head "more like a memory" he responds.

"About your time in Remnant?" Ale questions as Jaune nod Ale then sits next to Jaune "you know, Jaune, sometimes I'd noticed seeing your hand glowing...was it that Aura you possess?"

Jaune nods "yes that was my aura; Aura is a manifestation of the soul, a life force that runs through every living creature on Remnant, whether they are a meager shopkeeper, or a renowned knight" Jaune explain Ale turns his whole body towards Jaune with interest making Jaune feel a little nervous "It can also be used for a wide range of abilities. The specific abilities and their strengths differ from individual to individual and are dependent on a number of factors, such as experience, training and innate skill; It is predominantly used for protection from harm. Some people develop an active power from it called a Semblance" Jaune then explains. "In remnant It is mentioned that anything with a soul has an Aura, including Humans, Faunus, and animals; even synthetic people with souls can generate an Aura; The Creatures of Grimm, being soulless, are the only known form of life that does not have Aura" Jaun finishes explaining.

"I think you've mentioned about the semblance before is like having a superpower, right?" Ale questions Jaune nods "So that means you also have a Semblance" Ale then say as Jaune nods again "that's really cool, Grimm is like bad monsters, right?" Ale then says Jaune nods once again.

"I'm surprised that you're catching quite lot of what I'm explaining to you" Jaune says.

Ale shrug "as much as I love to learn more about your world, I mean you can consider even if you remember that I thought you the ropes of this world, and unlike you guys in remnant, the ninety percent of people here does not possess a Aura unless you're a chosen by Arceus"

"Arceus?" Jaune asks.

"Is like the Gods of this world" Ale explain as he pulls his Rotom Phone.

"Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon, a Normal type; It is told in mythology that this Pokémon was the first Pokémon born before the universe even existed".

"Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon, a Normal type; It is told in mythology that this Pokémon was the first Pokémon born before the universe even existed"

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