Chapter 4

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The next morning, as Shinichi slowly stirred in his bed, he was surprised to see Kaito entering his room

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The next morning, as Shinichi slowly stirred in his bed, he was surprised to see Kaito entering his room. His master was dressed in his butler outfit, and he wheeled in a tray of pancakes with a cheerful expression.

"Breakfast time, Shin-chan," Kaito declared with enthusiasm.

Shinichi blinked in disbelief. "Kaito, is that one of my butler outfits you're wearing?"

Kaito set the tray of pancakes on Shinichi's lap and responded, "Yes, it is, Shin-chan. Since you're not feeling well, I've decided to be your butler until you get better."

With a fork in hand, Kaito cut off a piece of pancake and lifted it up to feed Shinichi. He hesitantly took a bite, and the flavor was simply divine.

Once the pancakes were devoured, Kaito rolled the cart away and returned to give Shinichi a foot massage. Shinichi was slightly flustered but also bewildered by his master's eagerness to serve him.

"You don't need to do all this for me," Shinichi began.

Kaito didn't let Shinichi's protests deter him. "Nonsense, Shin-chan. Your well-being is my top priority right now."

After the massage, Kaito left the room briefly but returned with a small TV. "How about we watch a movie together?"

Shinichi couldn't help but question, "Don't you have any duties to attend to?"

Kaito waved his hand dismissively. "Those can wait. Right now, I'm here for you."

The two selected a movie and enjoyed it together. Shinichi felt a warmth he hadn't expected, and the movie seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. As the credits rolled, Shinichi began to feel the weight of his fatigue.

Kaito set the TV aside and turned to Shinichi. "Feeling sleepy, my dear?"

Shinichi nodded with a yawn. "Yes, Kaito."

Kaito fetched a storybook and began to read Shinichi a bedtime story, his voice gentle and soothing. As the tale unfolded, Shinichi felt himself drifting off to sleep.

With a tender smile, Kaito cuddled with his head butler until he was sure Shinichi was asleep. Then, with a sense of contentment, he left the room, looking forward to the next day when he could serve Shinichi once again.

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