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The events from yesterday pretty much terrified most of us... only a few of us were lucky to get over it. Raj was the only one  out of us three who got over the death.

Bowie: Hey Raj?

Raj: Yea?

Bowie: How are you not traumatised?

"I was about to ask that"

Raj: Turns out the potatoes I found were made to make people forget their trauma, so I turned em into chips and ate them.

Bowie: You could've given us some!

Raj: Sorry, I was hungry as fu-


Raj: I was gonna say fudge.



We just chilled the whole day and at night, we went to our rooms to sleep. The next day, Monochris called us all down for some weird reason.

"Why did you need us?"

Axel: Yea, I was just working out!

Ripper: I was trying to kiss Axel.

Axel: What the-

MK: I was writing a letter to Julia.

Julia: For me? What about?

MK: You don't need to know.

Julia: Still-

Caleb: I was sleeping.

Monochris: Yea, yea. I don't need to know what you were doing, just as long as you pay attention...

Raj: What is it?

Monochris: I'm giving you your first motive.

Bowie: A motive?

Monochris: Yes, a motive to kill. You will randomly get hallucinations of your loved ones dying...

Nichelle: Isn't that meant to cause suicide instead of murder?

Monochris: Not exactly...

He then proceeded to disappear.

Nichelle: That was useless.

Raj: Yea.

Priya: Oh my god...

"What Priya?"

Priya: I thought Caleb died for a second!

Caleb: Don't worry, I'm alive.

Priya: Phew.

"I'm going back to my room"

Whilst I was walking, I started to hallucinate about Raj... until he tapped me on the shoulder.

Raj: Are you ok?


Raj: Lemme guess, a hallucination?

I nodded. I then proceeded to my room, where I stared at the roof until...

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