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We went into the trial room and started the trial.

Ripper: This worked last time, so it should work this time. Put your hand up if you killed someone in the last hour.

Nobody did that.

Ripper: Dang it.

"We can use the evidence to piece what happened?"

Raj: I guess that's the only way to do so.

"So, what did we all gather?"

Raj: My own hockey stick... for some reason.

Bowie: A VIP pass.

Julia: Bottle of poison.

MK: A syringe.

Ripper: Some rope.

Axel: A mask.

"I found Chase's old camera."

Raj: Wait... I think I can piece this together.

"Go for it Raj."

Raj: Ok, so this is what I think happened...

Raj: So, the Culprit was most likely bored. They decided to go into their dorm room and write out a fake VIP pass. The Culprit then snuck into my room to grab my hockey stick and snuck into Emma's old room to take the camera. They then went into the little office Monochris has and took the mask, rope, poison and the syringe. The Culprit knew who to choose...

Raj: The Culprit knew Bowie wouldn't be in his room, so they set up the camera and everything there, before writing on the VIP pass to meet up in Bowie's room. They then slid it under Caleb's door and proceeded to wait for Caleb.

Raj: Once Caleb arrived, the Culprit locked the door and used the hockey stick to knock Caleb out. Whilst he was knocked out, the Culprit put on the mask to hide their Identity. Then, they tied Caleb to a chair and filled a syringe with poison.

Raj: Once he woke up, he tried to escape but the Culprit stabbed the needle into his neck. They kept doing it until he died.

Raj: Isn't that right, Nichelle the Ultimate Influencer?

Nichelle: What? That's bullcrap!

"Can you even say that?"

Nichelle: ... yes?

Monochris: Time to vote!

Everyone voted for Nichelle.

Monochris: You are correct! It was Nichelle who killed!

"Why did you do it?"

Nichelle: I... I...

Nichelle: It was for fame... I'm sorry...


Nichelle: WAIT-

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