Afterlife 1

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Emma: Huh? Two others?

Nichelle: Hey.

Scary girl: Hiiiiii!

Chase: That f*cking Monochris-

Caleb: You can cuss in the afterlife?

Chase: Yea. There aren't really any rules here... you can't kill though.

Scary girl: Awwww :(

Emma: How did you all die? I didn't really see, considering I F*CKING DIED FIRST!

Chase: Monochris found it funny to kill me just for saying the f word.

Emma: I mean, we were all there when the rules popped up...

Scary girl: ... I choked on clothes...

Caleb: Either stabbed or poisoned... or both...

Nichelle: Shot on a star...

Caleb: Anyways, who do you think will die next?

Emma: Don't know...

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