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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1



"CHARLOTTE! GET UP! We are going to miss the train!" yelled Athena as she dragged her trunk down the stairs. Her dark hair fell into her eyes and she huffed it away impatiently.

"Lottie, love!" called their mother, as she emerged from the kitchen, her black boots clacking against the tiles. She wore a long, camel trench coat, her sandy brown hair tied back from her face. Eve Hale was often confused as the girls' older sister. Her face had hardly aged from her days at Hogwarts. Her eyes still twinkled with Ravenclaw wisdom, and her embrace as soft as ever. "Lottie!"

"Do you understand how stressful it is to wake up to your voices?" mumbled Charlotte as she stumbled down the stairs rubbing her eyes. Her caramel hair sat messily throw upon her head into a bun. Charlotte took after their mother, her warm, brown eyes and light dusting of freckles.

"Oh shut up." sighed Athena, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, be nice to your sister." commented her father, Leonardo, trailing behind Eve, his grey eyes flicking between his daughters. His dark hair sticking up, even after their mother's attempts of flattening it. Her towered over all three women.

"We ought to leave now if we want to make good timing, and you girls want to meet your friends." said their mother, grabbing her bag and making her way out the door and to the car. "Change your clothes Lottie!"

"Oh!" gasped Charlotte, as if she only just realised she was still in her pyjamas. She took the steps two at a time, before freezing half way up and almost falling over, "Wait, where is Sophie?" She asked as she turned around to look at her father and sister.

"Got her here." se replied, holding up a cat carrier, which inside, was Charlotte's fluffy white cat, Sophie, who gazed at them all with watery blue eyes.

"Thanks dad, you lifesaver." she said, running up the stairs again.

"I'll meet you in the car sweetie." said Leo, turning to Athena, who was making last minute checks in her trunk.

"Okay dad." she replied, distantly.

He also made his way out the door. Athena rose from her feet, and double checked herself in the long mirror along the wall. Her dark hair reached just past her shoulder blades. Her striking, green eyes were framed with thick, dark lashes. She adjusted her hair, and reached down to grab her trunk.

"Please don't tell me you were standing, looking yourself in the mirror the whole time I was getting ready." smirked Charlotte, stiffling a laugh and rolling her eyes. She had changed out of her pyjamas, into a beige, chunky sweater, jeans and her beloved converse.

"Do everyone a favour and shut your dumbass mouth. I beg you." retorted Athena, before snatching up her sister's trunk and throwing it at her chest, which she caught, before picking up her own and marching out the door.

"Maybe you should shut yours too." muttered Charlotte, following behind.


The family all made their way to platform nine and three quarters, with their father muttering, "I'll never get used to that," or, "That was amazing."

Their muggle father was still adjusting to the wonders of the Wizarding World.

"You should close your mouth, Leo," laughed Eve, as she gently shut her husband's mouth as he looked around in awe, "You're going to catch flies."

Leonardo, who was still looking around, merely nodded.

"Okay girls," said their mother looking both of them in the eye, "Look after yourselves, please make good decisions, be sensible."

Charlotte quietly snorted at this. Her mother shot her a look.

"Have you got your insulin pump, Lottie?" she asked in a strong tone, although her eyes glimmered with worry.

Ever since the youngest Hale had been diagnosed with severe type 1 diabetes, the family had become even more protective and careful around her. Athena knew her sister hated it, but sometimes she couldn't help but worry about her.

"Yes mum." sighed Charlotte, gently patting her stomach where the insulin pump had been inserted.

"Mess them up i miei amori." winked Leonardo.

"Leo!" hissed Eve.

"Don't listen to your mother, she wasn't the 'good girl' at school."

"You weren't any better!" she exclaimed, "Beaubatons had extremely high standards. Honestly. Hogwarts was very different."

Eve turned back to the girls, who were smirking at their parents, "Have fun... but please behave acceptably."

"In other words," said Leonardo lowly, leaning forward to the girls, "Don't get caught."

"Leo!" Eve lightly smacked his arm.

"Goodbye my little troublemakers!" he said.

The family bid their farewells, tight hugs and teary eyes from their mother.

"Bye!" called the girls, as they turned away walking up to the train. 

As they made their way through the narrow corridors of the Hogwarts Express, Athena turned around and faced her younger sister, "See you later then. Don't do anything stupid."

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." replied her sister with a tiny smile and a roll of her eyes, before chucking her trunk into the nearest carriage, and placing Sophie on her lap, waiting for her friends.

Athena chuckled to herself as she walked away. She began to make her way down the corridor, checking in all the carriages to find her girls.

Maybe she could-




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