Lesson Twenty-Four: Project Muslimah Starts

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It was my second day of work, and only the second day of training. The manager told Shuaib I needed at least a weeks worth of training, so it was only one more work associating more with Shuaib than any of person there. He was an awfully stiff guy. He wasn't afraid of looking me in the eye, and telling me what I was doing was completely wrong. He was blunt, sharp, and just not my cup of tea. During my second day at work, I met even more of the staff. There were a lot of people working at the shop with odd shifts.

"No. You're doing it wrong again." He said, getting agitated. I slumped my shoulders, getting tired of hearing his voice and it was only the second day. "Do it again." He said, harshly. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, but this guy probably has a bunch of issues in life to make him such a horrible person. 

"Okay." I said, trying not to feel bothered. It was almost 8 pm, and I came here right after school. I only took one break in the last four hours which was enough to keep me going until 10 pm. 

"You know what? Just forget it. Take another break. You'll think better after that." I was training at the register yesterday, and little by little I was also learning how to make the beverages they served. It wasn't really an easy process but that's what I practicing at right now. I already served a couple of drinks today but there were so many drinks on the menu, I was already exhausted because of drinking coffee all day and having only three hours of sleep. I went into the crew room where everyone put their bags, and coats and went to in their breaks to watch T.V. or something. There were like two couches, and since it was closing time there were only a couple of workers working. So the room was empty. I sat on the couch, and lay my head back on the couch comfortably. I can't fall asleep. I can't. I won't.  Come on, Amarah! Don't fall asleep. Maybe it would have been better if I didn't take any break... I don't know what to do. I took out my phone, and got my headphones into my ears and began listening to the Qur'an. I drifted off without realizing it... 


Where is she? Her break's over. 

"Shuaib, where's the little sheep you were training?" Keith asked. I glared at him. 

"Keith, it's better if you keep your disgusting mouth shut." I said, seriously. I went into the crew room, and saw Amarah sleeping. Did she not get enough sleep or something? I closed the door behind me and cleared my throat to make my appearance known, but she still just lay there sleeping. Or did she faint again? "Amarah." I said, now standing right in front of her.

I can't touch her... The last time I touched a hijabi I almost went through hell. She had earphones in her ears with something on a volume even I could hear. But it didn't sound like music. What was she listening to? I sat down next to hear very slowly so she couldn't wake up, and began to listen to whatever she was listening. She was listening to the Qur'an... I stopped leaning in and just stared at her. She was sleeping so peacefully to the sound of the Qur'an... and yet I would always get annoyed whenever I heard it. Something outside the room dropped, and Amarah woke up startled, and with her hands over her head. She didn't notice me at first because she was so busy massaging her pained head. 

"Are you done your nap?" I asked her. Again startled, she turned to me. She quickly got up, dropping her phone from her lap. She gasped. 

"Sorry..." She said, picking up her phone. "How long was I sleeping?" She asked me. My face turned solid. Her face turned red. 

"Long enough." I said, getting up. "Since you're already used to the cashier duty, then go do that. I'll be on break for 15 minutes." She nodded and left the room, rubbing her eyes. "Did you..." She stopped walking towards the door, and turned to me. "Did you not get enough sleep?" I asked her. 

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