Lesson One: Realizing

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu :)

I posted the description for the story like weeks ago, hoping to write the chapter when I got home from night school. I have the whole story planned out in my mind but who knew the first chapter would be the hardest to write out? Well, I certainly didn't. So it took me like two weeks to write it. I'm hoping the chapters will be growing bigger and bigger as I write the story In Sha Allah. This was only an intro chapter on Amarah's life before her life changes around. So there's basically no mention of Islam in this chapter till the end. I made my friends read a part of her character and they loved it Alhadmullillah. But since the main girl is so dense, I have a feeling some of you won't like her character lol I know one of my other friends wouldn't lol Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter :) It'll be updated every two weeks In Sha Allah. Enjoy :)

One more thing: I haven't made up my mind whether this is going to be a love story or not... I joke. It will, but there will be much more Islam incorporated into it lol 

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Jazak'Allah and Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu :)

Amarah was a very well-liked girl who could do what she wanted without being told off. Which made her rule the school under the palms of her hand. There wasn't a single person who hated her, because all she's ever done was laugh at everything, whether she should have been embarrassed or whether she should have been crying. There was no such thing as depression in her dictionary. She never understood those who wanted to commit suicide for leaving this amazing world. The only thing which could bring her down were her parents. 

"Amarah, here's your lunch money." Amarah read out loud in a quiet empty house which belonged to her and mostly her because her parents never seemed to live with her. Well they did, but it seemed to her that they loved work more than they could love Amarah and more than they could love each other. She was an only child, whose parents knew only how to make money. She'd be lucky if she got to see them at night coming home so late, then leaving so early in the morning. "Those two idiots have never heard of family, have they?" Amarah asked no one in particular. She opened the fridge behind her, and took out a carton of milk and drank it without even trying to pour herself a glass in front of her. It's not like they'll care if I poison the milk with my germs. Amarah thought delightfully. The huge house she lived in seemed useless to her because all she did was sleep, eat and use the bathroom. She went up the stairs and quickly threw on a tight black shirt with a loose white sweatshirt on top to protect her from the cold. She took out a pair of black sweatpants as well and in no time she was out of her bedroom, looking for a rubber band. "Ugh! Why can I never find a proper scrunchy! Why?" She screamed to no one in particular. 

"Oh, I gotta take this with me too." Amarah says grinning as she grabs a small voodoo doll of her physic's teacher. She always took the voodoo doll to keep her teacher scared, especially since he was into all that spiritual stuff. She loved playing around with whoever she knew.

The walk to school was pretty long, making her late every single day especially since she wakes up ten minutes late. But she never cared, because she was extremely fond with making her teachers boil with anger. But her teachers still treated her more like every other kid in her school either way... in fact, they had all taken a liking to her since the day she entered high school as a freshman three years ago. She was just a trouble maker who might not be destined to graduate... just like the rest of the school. Her school wasn't so rich, neat and neither disciplined like every other. They were ranked last in the district board with disrespect. There was one reason she was treated like a princess.... her parents owned a lot of money. Her father was a scientist and her mother was a famous business woman who was known for pulling nasty tricks when the situation was dire. But Amarah didn't know and neither did she care. 

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