Lesson Fifteen: Dig Deeper & You'll Find the Meaning of Marriage.

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Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu, 

Yes, it's been terriblly long. I've had writers block... AGAIN. And again and again. I know the whole storyline but I just can't seem to write when I know the story line. I writer so much better when I don't know anything about it. Am I even making sense? Nope, not at all. Anyways, enjoy? :)

Assalamu Alaykum :)


The sister that came to us for her daughter's education went home with what she got: two teachers for her daughter. Jasmin and I were stunned. The sister said she'd seen us both in the masjid a lot talking about Islam and she just couldn't resist asking us to teach her daughter. She volunteered to give us a fees, but we're not actually real teachers and I'm still learning a lot from Binyamin. I accepted because when teachers teach, they end up learning a lot more than the students, things they didn't know. Jasmin accepted because she thought it would be fun. She loves kids and the kids seem to love her too.

School was a total blur today. There was officially only three more weeks left till Binyamin left.

"Are you going to visit us when you're gone?" I asked.

"Nope." Binyamin replied. I gave him a poker face, making him laugh. "Sure, I'll come by to check up on you guys."

"Sweet." I said, grinning. It was still architecture class, meaning Mr. Keith was still here.

"Mr. Keith, what's your wife like?" I asked randomly.

"She's the exact replica of Kim Kardashian." He replied.

"I don't buy it." I laughed.

"Well, it ain't free." He said. "She's tiny... loud, and rude most of the times. Other times, she gets possessed by an angel."

"You just dissed your own wife." Binyamin said, staring at Mr. Keith.

"Oh, she says a lot more bad stuff about me than I do about her."

"Sorry, but I don't exactly get why you two are still together then." I said, trying to understand.

"Because it's a responsibility, and we love each other regardless."  

"I'm going to tell your wife you said that." I said, smirking. 

"Oh no, you don't. She's going to make a big deal about her being a responsibility and whatnot."

"And that's exactly why I'm going to tell her." I pointed out.

"You haven't even met the lady yet." He pointed out. 

"Good point." I murmured. 

"Did you finish your work?" Mr. Keith asked. 

"No." I replied sheepishly. I've been pulling it off for quite a while. While all of my classmates had already started or already finished, I was the only one that never started. I wasn't procrastinating but I was just searching for a unique project to work on. No offense to the others, but I wanted to have fun with it not torture myself with unwanted work. "Mr. Keith... as our staff advisor, how are you going to help us?" I asked, curiously. Mr. Keith was a very lazy man, even when teaching. Although he was an amazing teacher, the times when he wasn't giving students advice or doing any type of paper work, he took the time to sleep and forget all the world's problems in those few minutes. He never had enough sleep. Or maybe he did but he just wanted more.

"Help you?" He asked confused. "I thought I was just going to sit back and relax while you take over for the meetings." 

"What?" I asked confused. 

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