•Chapter 1•

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Michael's Pov

Me and my family were moving to a place called The Pink Palace Apartments. Apparently no other kids lived there, great. Note my sarcasm. I was an only child, my parents owned a garden shop but they hated gardening. I loved gardening though.

As the car drove up to The Pink Palace Apartments I noticed they were actual apartments. When I walked through our apartment I noticed how big it actually was, it had 2 stories and the rooms were massive. We were also near a place I've heard of, it's like is secret well that was supposed to be so deep that if you fell down in the middle of the day, you'd see a sky full of stars.

"Start unpacking Michael." My mum said, in her glum voice as usual.
"Whatever." I replied.
"No attitude please."
I just rolled my eyes, my parents aren't exactly the best parents. I want to do stuff, but of course no I'm not allowed. I really would like to dye my hair but apparently we can't afford it. More about my parents is my dad is a horrible chef, but he always makes the food.

I unpacked some stuff but I had already gotten bored of that, so I decided to go find that well.
"Mum I'm going out find the magic well!" I yelled leaving the house.
I heard no response, as usual. I was wearing skinny jeans, a band shirt and my black raincoat. As I was walking I came across this place that had some sort of mushrooms circled around literally nothing.

I got a heart attack when I heard a motorcycle and some dude with a mask on.
"Ahhhh." I screamed.
"Hey I'm Wybi!" A girl said pulling the mask off.
I started backing away.
"Be careful if you stomp to hard you'll fall." Wybi said.
"What?" I questioned.
"The well." Wybi explained.
The well? I've been looking for it all along.
I then steeped off where I was and Wybi lifted the lid to the well.
"People say, that if you fell down you'd see a sky full of stars during the day." Wybi said.
"Woah." I commented.
"Wybi, why born!" I heard someone yell in the distance.
"I gotta go see you later Michael!" Wybi said rushing off.
I waved and stood there.
I rushed off back to my house as it started raining. I loved staying in the rain but my mum would not like to clean the mud.
As I walked into my house I noticed dinner was ready.
I sat at the table and mum and dad began talking. I looked at my plate, picked up my fork and tried lifting the green stuff on my plate.
"This stuff is disgusting." I mentioned.
"Eat your vegetables Michael." My mum ordered,
"It looks more like slime to me." I said.
"Well it's slime or bedtime Michael." My dad said.
I left the dining area and was on the way to my room when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I shouted.
As I approached the door, I saw Wybi standing there.
"Hi." She said.
"Hi." I said awkwardly.
"Um this is for you. I found it in my grandpas truck and it looks exactly like you." Wybi said handing me a doll that did in fact look exactly like me.
"I'm gonna go." Wybi said looking down.
I nodded and shut the door as she ran off.
I carried the doll through the lounge room and placed it on the couch as I looked for my sweat pants. When I found them I went to grab the doll. But it wasn't there. I looked around the room when I saw its little head sticking out behind a big box. I moved the box out of the way and saw a little door.
"Mum what's behind this door?" I yelled.
"Michael stop pestering me." My mum shouted back.
"Please!!" I begged.
Soon enough my mum came storming through.
"What?" She said angrily with her hands placed on her hips.
"Can you open this door?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes and went back to the kitchen.
She came back soon with a key in her hand.
"Will you stop bugging me if I do this for you?" Mum said tapping her foot.
I nodded. She then used the key to unlock the door.
As she opened it I was so excited to see what was behind the door.
As it was fully open I saw that there was nothing but a brick wall.
"What?" I questioned.
"You made a promise." Mum said walking away from me.

I raced up to my room and examined the doll.
It had brown hair styled exactly like mine.
Skinny jeans on, a green day shirt... That's exactly what I'm wearing right now.
"Creepy." I muttered to myself.

I decided to leave it and I laid on my bed and fell asleep.

I heard something squeaking in my room so I woke up.
I looked and saw mice, and instead of being frightened I followed where the mice were going. The path they were taking me through was leading to that little door. I was curious as the door opened and instead of the brick wall there, there was this majestical tunnel. As the mice went through it I got on all fours and followed them.
On the other side of the tunnel there was another little door which opened up. I got out of that tunnel and looked sprung to see the exact same house that's like mine. I heard signing so I followed it.
It lead to the kitchen. I saw my mums back facing me as she was cooking something.
"Mum what are you doing up this late?" I found myself ask.
She turned around and I realised that is not my mother. I was horrified to see a lady with buttons for eyes.
"Just in time for supper sweetie!" The woman said.
"You're not my mother." I said.
"Of course I am." She said simply.
"But my mother doesn't have b-b-bu" I stuttered to say the word.
"Buttons?" The lady giggled.
"I'm your other mother silly." She said while smiling.
"I didn't know I had an other mother." I said.
"Oh everyone does." My 'other' mother explained.
I nodded my head.
"Go get your father and tell him the foods ready." My other mother ordered.
"You mean my other father?" I questioned.
"Your better father dear." She said.
I turned around and went to find my other father.
As I looked through the house I noticed that everything was quite the same. I came across the study room and heard a piano playing.
I entered the room and saw my 'other' father playing the piano.
"Oh Michael!" He said. Did I mention he also has button eyes? No, well he does.
"My father can't play the piano." I said simply.
"Oh I don't play the piano! The piano plays me!" My Orr father said excitedly.
These hand things came and they were pinned to the piano and they had gloves on the end so it played the piano.
"Um She said there's food." I said.
"Oh ok!" He said cheerfully.
I awkwardly walked back to the kitchen when my other mother had pushed me to the dining area.
I sat down in the chair and looked at the huge table filled with food.

"Any requests?" My other mother asked as this chandelier came down filled with different drinks.
"Uh Rasberry milkshake." I answered.
The drink came into a glass somehow and I drank it obviously. Let's just say it was amazing!
My other father than came into the room and everyone sat at the table.
"We give our thanks and your to bless, our mothers golden chicken breast." My other father prayed. We all chuckled at the end of our prayer.

The other mother put chicken and potato on my plate.
"Here comes the gravy train Choo Choo." My other mother said as a train came coming around the table. The train lifted and gravy poured onto my potato.

After we finished eating dinner there was a cake that said welcome back Michael that's weird.
"Welcome back?" I questioned.
"We've been waiting for you." My other mother explained, it was quite creepy.
"I was thinking we could play a game." She suggested.
"Like hide and seek?" I asked.
"Yep, hide and seek in the rain!" My other mother explained.
"What rain?" I asked and as I asked thunder and rain happened.
"Uh I just realised that I'm really tired I'm gonna go now. To sleep." I said trying to get out of playing a 'game'.
"Ok sweetie, your beds all made up." My other mother said.
"What?" I said confused. They pushed me up the stairs and took me to my room. When I opened the door I realised there were band posters everywhere, but what's weird is that the posters were talking and moving their mouths. They were... Real?
"Michael!" All the posters exclaimed.
I waved weirdly, I mean if your posters of your favourite bands talked to you I'm pretty sure you'd be weird too.
I laid on the my bed and my other parents left.
"See you soon." They said simultaneously.

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