Feverish Plans Made for Winter and Now

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"Your ankle is fine; it's swollen from twisting." Rocio tells me.

"Ah, well isn't that a relief?" Ace chuckles setting his hand down on my knee.

I look at Ace and feel so tired.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why're you pouting?"

"You're tired, aren't you?" Inaki speaks up. "Go to your room and sleep for a while. By the time you wake up, Rocio should have made something for you to eat."

I nod obediently as I get up and fall back on the sofa.

"I can't walk."

"I can't believe I'm engaged to this woman." Inaki sighs, getting up. "Ace, since you did the favor before getting asked, do it again and carry her to her room. As soon as she's on the bed, leave. We have plenty to talk about."

"Well, it's not my fault I do a better job than you do." Ace retorts.

I extend my arms out towards Ace, like a needy child and he smiles.

"Usually, it's a pain when people depend on me," He lifts me up. "But this time feels rather nice."

"I'm glad," I smile lightly. "I hate having to depend on people."

"It's not so bad," Ace walks out of the living room. "You'll get used to it once Romina's your age."

"No, I won't." I shake my head.

"Trust me, things change." Ace assures. "Mind turning the doorknob for me?"

"Some bodyguard you are," I tease, opening the door.

"Hey. I would've done something for you back there, but I realized why you didn't want Inaki to know." Ace enters my room. "Eventually, you plan on getting involved in his business, don't you?"

I look away as he sets me down on my bed.

"I figured he could use someone to get rid of his enemies from the governments side and set the officials on the wrong track from time to time." I say quietly. "I know he wouldn't want me to get involved, but I have to repay this whole shit back eventually."

"You're his fiancée, you don't need to-"

"I thought I was very clear, Ace," Inaki's cold voice trails into the room. "As soon as you leave her on the bed, you leave."

"Alright, alright, I'm going." Ace sighs, turning to leave. "Try to sleep, okay? It won't do you any good to- actually don't. It won't do you good to get back there well rested when we're supposed to torture you or something."

I nod as I collapse and look up at the ceiling. Seconds turn to minutes and minutes to hours when I never fall asleep. Eventually, there's a knock on my door as the scenery outside my window goes from a peaceful blue to a nice evening.

"Come in!" I yell, sitting up and grabbing a pillow.

As the door opens, I throw the pillow at whoever is walking in. Turns out it's Inaki and he stumbles back after getting the pillow to the face.

"You're awake."

"I never slept," I reach out for the pillow as he throws it at me.

I catch it when I notice how sweaty I am.

"You look pale," Inaki comes over. "Are you alright?"

"Now that you mention it," I lean back against my headboard. "I never noticed how hot I feel."

Inaki removes his right glove, and his cool hand touches my forehead with the back of his hand.

"You have a fever."

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