Chapter 2 (new)

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Eros p.o.v.

I sit down at a random lunch table and start eating my lunch. Today has been an awful day. In all my classes so far I have been the center if attention. Not just because I'm new, but because I'm related to my siblings. Apparently the Castillo are really popular here. I'm not even surprised.

In all of my siblings high school they were always popular. JJ was always into sports, Gabby was class President, Ryder was the guy in a band and a little rebellious, and Scarlett was a cheerleader and into fashion. Even though they were popular though they weren't the cliche popular kids on tv that were mean. They are actually really kind people.

Me on the other hand wasn't really into that stuff. I prefer to be in the library reading a book or studying magic.

I hear somebody clear their throat behind me. I turn around and see Braydon and a group of students standing with him. "You're sitting at our table," he says. I look back at the table and pretend to look around.

I look back and shake my head. "I don't think so. I don't see your name on it," I say. He glares at me. "Listen here Eros. Me and my friends run this school and you better not mess with us or you will regret it," he threatens. I laugh at him. By now the whole cafeteria was looking at us, but I really didn't mind.

"I wouldn't threatened me if I were you," I say . He laughs. "Why is that," he asks. Before I can say anything a voice cuts me off. "Because I wouldn't like anybody hurting my little brother," Gabby says from across the cafeteria. Her and my siblings start to walk towards us.

I groan. Great. Now people will think I'm weak and need my older siblings to protect me like a little kid. I hate that this caster high school is also a caster university.

"Selene James, Selene Gabrielle, Selene Scarlett, Ryder. What are you doing here," Braydon ask as he pales. Agh. Now my siblings aren't just popular but are future Selenes. Selenes are Helio's husband or wife. I found this out yesterday when Freya told me she was mated to James.

"We came to hang with our brother," Scar says giving Braydon a death glare. "Who says I want to hang out with you guys," I ask. "C'mon Eros you know you love us," Ryder tells me. I roll my eyes.

"Wait he is your brother," Braydon asks. They all nod. "Now, I will only tell you this once. If I see you guys harassing Eros I promise you I will make your life a living Hell," Ryder threatens. "No no, it won't happen again I promise," Braydon says. "Good now leave us," JJ commands and they leave immediately.

They all sit down next to me. "You guys do know I can handle myself," I ask them. "We know, but that doesn't mean we can't still be protective of you," Ryder says. "Besides we wanted you to meet our mates," Scarlett says. She waves two guys and Freya over. One was blonde with blue eyes and the other had black hair with hazel eyes.

"Hi I'm Derek," the blonde one says. "Hi I'm Keith," the black haired one said. They put their hands out and I shake them. "Hello I'm Eros," I say. "And you already know Freya," James says as he gestures to her. "Yeah, she is my new roommate," I say.

"How weird is it that we all were mated to Helios," Scar says. "Well all except for Ryder," I correct. "No actually Diana's parents are the Cl--," he gets cut off by a huge scream.

"Of course it's your child Damien," a girl screams. We all turn and see Diana's brother David or something talking to some blonde chick. "That can't be. You are on the pill and I always use a condom," he argues.

"I know, but you are the only guy I've slept with this school year and I'm pregnant explain that," she says. Darren(I think that's his name) shakes head in frustration.

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