Chapter 2- Just Some Basic Stuff

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I woke up to a good start. I got up, brushed my hair and teeth, then took a nice warm shower. I felt ready to conquer the day!! I was full of energy, like the source of the sun.

Then I remembered the text I had received the previous night. "2-4-6-8 hurry up and don't be late- meet at the heart of the palace." The words flashed throughout my head as I recall getting the text. Where the heck is the heart of the palace?! Is it the center of it all? Is it where we store our valentines day decor?

I thought of many possibilities and reasoned them out. I figured the center of the whole place was it, so I went towards the room. As I walked in, it was set up in a completely different way than I remember it being. There was so much equipment I haven't seen before. There was stuff like a human like dummy off to one side, and bow and arrows to the next.

Some guys came out of nowhere, a hidden shadow quite possibly. I was too busy admiring the equipment I will most likely use to train. They started to attack me. I had some-what background in fighting. One of my friends taught me a while back. I started with a basic right hook. I saw the next guy coming from behind and started my round house kick. The person caught my foot and I jumped up and kicked his face with my other leg. He dropped my foot and I jumped to a standing position. Smirking, I felt proud of myself. Someone ran from the front of me and tried to pick me up and drop me. Before they could drop me I pulled myself up and around just before I kneed there face. They just crumpled to the ground.

I held a ready stance in case someone else came to fight me. I was completely sure when Richard came out from the shadow clapping. "Well done," he said, "That was amazing. Really. I didn't know how much you knew already. I knew you were a great person for the job." I looked at him in shock. "This was literally nothing. Just some basic stuff I learned a while back. A little rusty if I do say so myself, but other than that I could use more training. Just for fun," I reply smirking.

"I wasn't sure if you'd find this place. I knew it would be a riddle, but by the looks you figured it out easily,"Richard said.

He started introducing me to the different types of equipment in the room. I'm a little grateful that we're in this room. No one really uses it. I'm literally bouncing around at the excitement of how much stuff I get to train with. It's all so amazing. If this place were a person I'd date it. Literally. No room for joking. I'd bounce at the chance. <- I'm bad at making puns, but hey I tried... This place reminded me of the training room in The Hunger Games. It was so awesome. It had some other stuff besides similar equipment. There was even a place where it teaches you how to make bombs. That station was literally the bomb.... YES I MADE A GOOD PUN THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

He ended the little tour at the bomb table, so that was pretty much it. "And that is the last of the stations," he said as if he read my mind and pretty much said what I had in my mind in different words. Lame. Ok kidding.

"So when do I get to start... Ya know... Actually training?"

"You start tomorrow. Today was just to see what hand-to-hand combat level you were. You were pretty impressive out there. Tomorrow you start actually training and using equipment and going to the stations. For now act normally as if we never recruited you," he said explaining to me.

And so I pretty much went to my bedroom, took a shower, and took a nap. "Yessss my comfortable bed. I love slee..." I said as I doze off to my slumber of happiness. I just couldn't wait to start training.

{5 a.m. Updates because my brother woke me up. I can't go back to sleep so I decided to write. Sorry if it's really fucking bad. I probably don't have that creativity right now. OH YEAH HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY AMERICA! I put a song up. It's not related to the book but because 'its the Fourth of July'. if you listen to the son you'll understand. Ok I wrote too much. Bye. LOL}

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