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" Darling are you sure you have everything" The blonde asked her niece. The raven-haired girl nodded "Yes Lia I have everything you worry about it too much" The blonde smiled "It's my job to worry about you Rhea I'm your aunt."

Amelia pulled her niece into a hug " Oh my star how I will miss you" the 11-year-old girl giggled as she wrapped her arms around her aunt's waist. " I'll be back for Christmas Lia" The pair pulled away "You promise me my star even if you make all the friends in the world you'll come home" She smiled at her aunt's dramatics " Of course Lia I will come home" Rhea responded going in for another hug.

Amelia held her niece for a few more minutes not wanting to let her girl go. The train's whistle blew meaning it was leaving soon. " My star," Amelia said letting go " you will have the best time at Hogwarts I promise you that." Rhea picked up her trunk "Write to me my star I'm dying to know what house you are sorted in" She smiled at her niece then leaned in a bit to kiss her head "Oh your parents would be so proud of you star." With one last quick hug, Amelia Barker watched as her niece boarded the firey red train.

Rhea kept her smile big as she thought of her aunt's words. 'Oh, your parents would be so proud of you star.' The young girl didn't know much about her parents.

She knew her father was sorted into a different house than her mother and she knew what they looked like from the endless pictures Amelia had shown her. She knew very little which kept her very curious but she also knew one day her aunt would tell her all.

Rhea was now looking for a compartment. She saw one with three people but they looked older so she skipped that one. She then saw another just across the way with only two people one girl and one boy. Rhea decided on that one.

She took a deep breath trying to ease her nerves then slid open the door. The two kids looked her way " Hi my name is Rhea...Rhea Barker and I was wondering if I could sit with you if not that's okay you see there aren't many open and they all look older and if not I can always look some more" The girl rambled.

The boy smiled "No you can certainly join us." He stood once Rhea entered the compartment. The boy reached for the trunk " I can put it over ahead for you if you like" Rhea smiled "Thank you" She handed him the trunk and then took a seat. " My name is Patricia Anderson, but you can call me Patti, and" she paused to point to the boy " this is James he's my twin" Rhea nodded "It's very nice to meet you both."

After a while the three 11-year-olds started to form a friendship. The trio talked for what felt like minutes but in reality, was hours. It was now time for the girl to put her black robes on seeing how she wasn't sorted into a house yet.

" 'IGHT FIRST 'EARS THIS 'AY PLEASE" the trio heard as they stepped down onto the concrete platform. With them, more 11-year-olds began to fill up the area around the tall man. " 'Ome on now follow me to the boats." Rhea's eyes widened looking to her only friend, who gave her a soft smile. "don't worry Rhea me and Jay are right here you will be okay" the girl interlocked arms with her. Rhea looked to Patti and gave her a small smile. " come on you two we don't want to be stranded" James lightly pushed the duo to walk.

There were boats lined up at the dock each with a stand for a lantern. Some boats could take four while others could fit three. The trio decided on one that could take three.

The Anderson twins took the front of the boat while Rhea took the single seat to the back. Once the man saw everyone was seated he waved his umbrella and they took off.

Rhea was completely engulfed in the scene before her, she didn't even notice they were moving. She could see a big beautiful castle that was lit up all around by a soft yellow glow that came from candles. The first years including her were memorized by the castle.

Hagrid sent them on their way up the stairs until they met a woman. She wore green robes and a black witch hat. " Welcome to Hogwarts" she greeted " Now in a few moments you will pass through these doors" Her hands clapped together against her chest as she explained. " But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses" Patti turned with an excited smile "Can you believe it" she whispered. " There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin now while you are here your house will be like your family "She paused "Your triumphs will earn you points and any rule-breaking will lose you points" After a few moments she walked away.

Rhea turned to her only friends who were looking around the room for others they might know " Oh look it's Adrian" James said while waving "Rhea you should meet him he's very nice and we've known him for years, our mother and his mother were friends while they attended Hogwarts" Patti explained.

Soon enough a boy with black hair and pale skin came over. " James, Patti have a good summer" they both nodded to the boy "Yes too bad your family couldn't come along with us though would've been more fun instead of just me and James" Adrian nodded while he listened to the Anderson girl.

Adrian then looked to the unfamiliar girl next to her " I'm Adrian Purcey pleasure to meet you." Rhea smiled at the boy "Rhea Barker" The boy was about to open his mouth to speak but the woman in green showed up again.

" We're ready for you now, follow me" She led the students into the great hall. Rhea was walking through the middle of two tables. On her left two tables and two on her right. To her left she saw students in blue at one table and then green at the other. Then on her right, there was red and yellow.

The students grouped in the front of a platform. It had a few stairs that led to a three-legged stool with an old black hat on top. McGonagall stood in front of the first years "Now before we begin Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." Behind her stood a man with a long white beard and white hair.

He spoke some rules and then sat back down. From the nerves, Rhea wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. All she could think about was how she wanted to make her parents and aunt proud and what house she would get.

" When I call your name you should come forth when I place the hat on your head you should be sorted into your house."

" James Anderson"

With a smile, James walked up the two steps and sat on the stool. The hat was placed on his head "Hmm right then okay" it talked aloud "Oh I see I know where you belong"

"SLYTHERIN" the hat bellowed the ones in green began to clap. The hat was taken off his head and the boy walked over taking his seat. " wish me luck" Patti whispered to her "Good luck" Rhea whispered back.

" Patrica Anderson"

Just like her brother Patti walked up then took a seat with a smile " Another Anderson I see " the hat said as it was placed on her head. " hmmmm very different you are i know where you will do well....GRYFINDOR" the table of red erupted in cheers. Patti gave Rhea a wink and then went to her table. Rhea gave her a nervous look and then took a deep breath.

" Rhea Barker"

Rhea took another deep breath and then walked up the steps. She took a seat on the old stool folding her hands in her lap. The woman next to her placed the black hat on her head. " where to put you where to put you" the hat spoke " I see you a lot like your father" he paused " but also like your mother hm" The girl grew more and more nervous.

" I know a place for you"



First chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed let me know what you think!

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