ivy - illicit affairs 3 [request]

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requested by cowboylikequinn
i have no idea where to take this story lol.

You sat on the edge of the bed, glaring at the ring in your hand. One-point-five carats of diamond hidden in the back of your bedside drawer for a few months now. Months of waiting for the right time. Over a year of planning the day that you'd get on one knee and ask Maya to marry you.

She slept peacefully, bundled up in the bedspread. A sad smile crept onto your face. What if there's never a right moment? What if that moment shouldn't happen at all?

There was only so long you could ignore everything she's been doing lately. Coming home and tasting merlot when she kissed you, or her clothes smelling of a perfume that neither of you owned. Hell, you even saw another girl's name with a kiss emojis beside it on her phone. You wanted to beg Maya to get her shit together so you can keep loving her.

That date at the park was one of the many you surprised her with. There were so many attempts at solidifying the relationship, yet it was all slipping out of your hands. You can't build a relationship with someone who's slowly but surely tearing it down.

The ring glimmered beautifully, even in the dim light. A not-so-small part of you was okay with it never being on Maya's finger. That scared you. A thing you were so excited about is now something you aren't so sure about anymore.

You shut the case softly before you pushed it back into the drawer. An analog clock in the hallway steadily ticked as you got up off the bed, the hands pointing just past 12 A.M. The hardwood quietly creaked under your footsteps, accompanied by the comforting white noise of fans.

As passed the living room, you noticed Taylor awake in the middle of the night as well. She was focused on some random book, judging by the specific way she furrowed her eyebrows. Her reading glasses fit on the bridge of her nose, and she only paused her reading to readjust them and glance over at you.

Soon, you reached the kitchen then grabbed a bottle of aged wine with a cup. The wine flowed quickly into the glass, a muted red in color. You took a sip and a sigh escaped your mouth. A few moments later, Taylor appeared in the room--her curly hair let down from her previous messy bun. She leaned against the door frame.

"Wanna sit with me?" You asked.


You poured her a glass. She took it, gratefully, and tasted it. Taylor leaned back into her chair, but her eyes stayed on you--like she could detect every ounce of internal conflict you have at the moment.

"So what has you drinking at one-something in the morning?"

"It's...just something between me and Maya."

"You can talk to me about it if you want."

As much as you wanted to keep it to yourself, you blurted it out. "I think she's cheating on me."

Taylor nearly spat her wine out. "That's definitely a reason to drink."

"I was going to propose to her," you said, "I bought a ring and everything a few months ago. We were supposed to be going to a place in Europe. Then one day she...she started coming home tipsy and with another girl's perfume scent on her."

Tears brimmed in your eyes, a stream of salt nearly slipping down your cheek. Taylor stood up and held her arms out for you. You hesitated for a moment, but you needed a hug. So you let her embrace you. You rested your head against her shoulder and allowed yourself to cry. And she ran her fingers through your hair, gently massaging your scalp, as she consoled you.

Taylor feels like home. But it should be Maya, right?

"(Y/N)," she murmured.

You raised your head. Her thumb swept the stray tears from your face, like a beacon of light guiding you through darkness.

"Don't let her eclipse your feelings. Sure, she's very dreamy to you, but she's not the sun. You are."

"Thank you," you simply said.

It seemed awfully easy to get lost in her eyes at the moment. Every time you gazed into them, you always saw something different. Like noticing a new constellation, or a brightly shining star in the night sky. This time, you saw the overwhelming kindness in her—all summarized in that look on her face.

It was hard to see in the midnight shadows, but the dim lamp helped. You could see her features as the light flickered across the room. A familiar feeling twisted in your stomach, a thousand butterflies fluttering around. As the urge to be closer to her emerged, you drowned in it. The feeling completely washed out your previous worries within that second.

You brought your hands to her waist, her body shivered at the cold of your fingertips as they brushed underneath her sweatshirt. Your heart skipped a beat as you got close enough to feel hers, beating out of her chest. Being able to kiss her, to connect to her, felt like a need.

Your hands trailed farther up her sides, agonizingly slow. "Is this okay?"

Taylor's breath got slightly heavier, the soft air stroked across your skin as you were inches apart. Her eyes met yours with a sense of longing, pent up for years.


She brought her hand to your cheek, pulling you into a kiss. Rapidly deepening and breath-taking, but you don't want to pull away for air. Sparks would fly whenever you kissed her, it was something that no one else could make you feel, only Taylor. fucking. Swift.

You gently pushed her against the wall, but rough enough to catch her by surprise. Her lips parted as she caught her breath, a small smirk forming across them. She combed her fingers through your hair, tangling them with the stray hairs above the nape of your neck.


I literally just ended it here cause I wasn't sure how to de escalate it since Maya is literally in the other room. Unless y'all into risky sex.
(or am i??)

Also, if you request another part of something, pleaseeee suggest a concept too rather than just asking for another part. I know some of y'all already do this, it's just a reminder. Really helpful in the long run, thank you <3

I'm making a part 2.5 for cowboy like me since y'all wanted the smut. And someone asked for a part 2 of maroon. If you have any ideas you want dropped into these little works just let me know.

unedited, finished at 1k words.

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