Chapter 1-The City Boy and his problems

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A/N: If you think this is an overly cliché story, well you're probably right. So if you start reading this and then say "What a stupid story, it's so predictable..." etc., well shut up. I warned you about it. But, don't worry I have my own way of making this story interesting.

Anyway, enjoy reading :)

Chapter 1-The City Boy and his problems

The door of the master's bedroom flew open and Kevin stormed in. His face scrunched up in a frown. "What the hell is your problem?!" He yelled at his father who was fixing his tie in front of the mirror.

A few minutes ago, her mother broke the news about their decision to send him off to an old friend's ranch to spend the summer vacation. Kevin quickly got upset about it. He marched out of the kitchen and into his parent's room, where his father was.

A month before, his parents told him that they were going on a Caribbean Cruise without him. That meant leaving him alone in their mansion. And now, they were telling him to pack up and get ready because they're sending him away! No way was he agreeing on this. He already planned everything he wanted to do this summer.

                And although Kevin gave out a full-out yell at his father, his tone didn't faze the man a bit. His father had grown accustomed to his son's bad attitude. But it still bothered him because his one and only sixteen-year-old son might grow up to be a hopeless man because of this.

"Kevin James Adams, mind your tone would you," his father chastised, as he fiddled with his tie. "It's still early in the morning for us to start bickering about something. Just wait after we eat breakfast, please."

                "No! This can't wait, Michael Steve Adams," Kevin argued, and crossed his arms on his chest. "I thought you said you'd leave me here alone during your vacation."

                Michael let out an exasperated sigh. "I know. But your mother and I talked and decided that it would not be best for us if we left you here in this house alone. Who knows what you'd do in this place. Besides, it's time you start to learn something." He looked at his reflection one more time before grabbing his laptop bag that was sitting on the king-sized bed.

                Kevin frowned even more. "What do I need to learn? I'm already a straight-A student; I'm the captain of the football team, what else do you want me to know?" he challenged. What else did they want from him? He already put up an image that every father dreamed of.

                His father walked in front of him and placed a free hand on his shoulder. "Many things," his father replied, before going out of the room. As if that was a helpful phrase! Kevin ran after him to the kitchen.

                "Good morning honey," his mother said sweetly to his father and batted her eyelashes. His father planted a kiss in her forehead and took a seat and started to eat his pancakes.

                Kevin also grabbed a seat across his father and ate, while scowled at him. "Kevin, wipe that look off you face," his mother told him. Kevin just grunted and looked away.

                "Kevin," his father started. Kevin braced himself for the upcoming war. "We know that you are not happy about our decision, but we're just thinking about your own good."

                "What part of sending me to a ranch in the middle of nowhere would do me something good?" He demanded and threw his fork on the table in frustration. "I don't want to go, and you're not making me."

                This time, his father lost his temper and pounded his fist on the table. "Would you get a grip, Kevin? Your attitude is really getting out of hand. Not everything goes by your way. We are your parents and you will do whatever we say!" his father bellowed. He sat back and ran his finger trough his salt-and-pepper colored hair.

                "Honey," his mother said in a panicky voice, patting her husband's back, "calm down." She turned to Kevin and shot him a behave-Kevin-or-I'll-ground you look. Kevin just rolled her eyes at her.

                "You are leaving this house on Saturday, whether you like it or not," his father stated.

                Kevin gritted his teeth. "Go to hell!" he shouted then stood up and grabbed his keys. He might do something strangle someone if he stayed any longer in the house so he drove away to school.

It took him fifteen minutes getting to his school. After parking his car, Kevin made his way towards the field. A crowd of jocks were sitting on the bleachers.

                "Man, you should've seen her. She's so sexy, you wouldn't want to take your eye off her," he heard Alex say to Luke. Both were Kevin's best friends and teammates. Alex was a black guy with dark short hair, while Luke was a blonde, tall guy with blue eyes.

                "Who was sexy?" Kevin asked as he sat.

                "Daisy, a cheerleader. Meryl wasn't at Mike's party last night so Alex and she hooked up," Luke replied. His tone dripped with boredom listening to Alex. Who wouldn't? All he talked about was either about him or the girls he hooked up with.

                Alex grinned. Meryl was his girlfriend.

Kevin turned to Alex with disgust.

 Alex just laughed. "We're only young once, so I'm going to enjoy my life." Just then the bell rang. "Are we going to class or crossing this one out?"

Luke and Kevin met eyes. "I don't think I wanna miss this one," Luke said and stood up. Alex groaned but he still followed him and Kevin followed him to their class.

As they walked, a freshman bumped into Kevin. Books and papers fell off of the boy's arms. "Watch where you're going, loser," Kevin scoffed and walked away.

They arrived in class just in time. "Wake me up when the class is over," Luke said as soon as he sat down. Kevin rolled his eyes at him. Typical. For him, class was not the time for learning, it was for sleeping.

Morning went by fast. Before they knew it, it was lunch time. Kevin and his friends went to the cafeteria and grabbed some food. They went to their table.

"Seriously?" Luke said as they ate their lunch. Kevin just told them that all their plans are cancelled due to his father's senselessness.

                "Man, that's a bummer," Alex said, shaking his head. "You're gonna miss all the fun," he added and smirked.

                "Can't you just run away?" Brianna, Kevin's girlfriend, whined. Brianna was that hot blonde cheerleader that everyone wanted to date. They're not really that in to each other but for the sake of popularity, they went on playing as sweethearts.

                "I doubt that. Dad will probably drop me off himself so I couldn't use my car to run away," he stated. "But don't worry, I'll call you every night." He gave him the sweetest smile he had. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the two girls sitting on the next table giggling as they stared at him. Oh how the girls love him. He ran his finger through his jet black hair, a motion that girls always fall for. Another fit of giggles came out from the girls.

                "Ugh! I was looking forward to spending some time with you." Brianna pouted, putting her hand on Kevin's thigh.

                Kevin smirked and wrapped Brianna in his arms. "I know baby, I know."


This has not yet been edited, but I wanted to post this again. Just to put some content in my channel.

A/N if you're still reading this, I just want you to know that I have a YouTube channel, and attached bellow is one of my videos. :D I haven't been writing in a while because I have discovered a new interest: creating videos. Please support me on my new adventure. Much Love.

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