The beginning

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My dream was dark. All around me was black nothingness. "Hello?" I called out questiongly. I took a step forward, my foot falling through the floor. I let out a yelp as my body fell through the darkness. I landed in a place all to familiar.

I glanced down at my hands and around at my surroundings. I was barely nine years old in that dammed tram station I knew all to well. Something behind me growled and my mum pushed me behind her.

"Halina, run go hide." She said in a stern voice.

"But why?" One glance at the creature before us made me understand. I ran as fast as my legs could go, which wasn't that fast. 

I ducked behind a nearby subway and glanced over to where my mum stood, or where she used to stand. I whimpered at my mum's mangled body, tears sliding down my cheek.

 She was gone. The only person who had ever cared for me was gone.

I squeased my eyes shut as a bright glowing light descended from the heavans. A blonde, tan man stretched out his hand.

"Come with me, you'll be safe." I took the man's hand and in a flash where gone.

I know what your thinking, why did I take that attractive man's hand? Stranger danger. But my mum had just died, and that giant dog had started to walk towards my direction. 

"Where did you take me?" I demanded once the brightness had disappeared. 

"This is a place for people like you. It is called Camp Halfblood. You'll learn how to fight the type of things that attacked you just before." I definitely did not trust this hot man at the time.

"Okay, but where are we in the world?" I did not want to be to far away from home.

"This is Long Island Sound" the man deadpanned like he hadn't just taken me across the world.


"Okay now that your done freaking out, Camp is just past that tree."

Mr. Hot Man left as my dream came to an end. 

I moved into a sitting position and yawned. Looking around I saw all three of my siblings awake and getting ready for the day. Glancing out the window I saw the sun starting to rise. After six years at camp I had finally gotten used to the sun rising at around 7 instead of around six like in Canberra.

Since it was no longer school holidays Chiron taught a group of us at a time about a specific subject. The groups were mostly split up in age but the year round Athena kids were in groups with kids a lot older than them.

Today I had math. I hated math even before I came to America, but since moving I hated it even more. Measurement was always torture considering Americans don't use the metric system.

I got out of my bed and started brushing my hair with my hairbrush that I had managed to steal from the Aphrodite cabin. You'd be surprised about what you can steal from them, just don't ever EVER take something that they use every single minute of the day. I watched Drew nearly murder Conner Stoll because he took her favourite mascara as part of a prank.

Once my hair was brushed enough I pulled my blonde hair into a VERY far from perfect lumpy low pony. It was hot today so I wore my cabin 7 t-shirt and some denim shorts. I always managed to get ready quickly in the morning, probably because breakfast was my favourite part of the day.

Once the rest of my cabin was ready we headed up to the dining pavilion. My usual breakfast was five weetbixes that had been drowned in long life milk with honey all over them but sometimes, I opted for something different. Today was one of those days. My breakfast consisted of a piece of buttered toast, a hashbrown, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, beans, fried egg, sausages and bacon. As you can probably tell, Australians take breakfast sirously, it's looked down upon to have less than three weetbixes once you've graduated Primary school.

My siblings on the other hand, did not take breakfast as sirously. They always had boring cereal or plain toast, there's nothing wrong with that, it's just not very sustaining is my case. Will and I devoured through our food while Kayla and Austin took their time with theirs. 

"What's the rush?" Austin had asked the first time he saw me eat breakfast, I had replied with

"There isn't one."

 I was dreading going to the Big House after breakfast, I already hated math, I didn't want to do it first thing in the morning. That was one of the tortures us year round campers had to deal with.

Today was going to be a long day.

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