Truth Or Dare

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"How were your days" Will said with a smile at dinner, I just shrugged and put on my light blue headphones. When I picked up my headphones from Cabin 7 I also put on a pin that said I don't want to talk in ancient greek. Most of the campers had badges like these. Nico usually wore one that said I don't want to be touched, but he always took it off around Will.

Suddenly the table shook and I looked up to see Providence standing next to Austin her hands on the table. She was staring daggers at me and it looked like she had been trying to get my attention. I made a noise of discomfort, but not because Providence was invading the time I get to spend with my brothers and sister, but because my sausage had rolled into my mashed potatoes and my veggies had rolled onto my sausage. Providence looked at me with disgust as I began to separate my food so they weren't touching.

"Aren't you 16? Why do you still need to separate your food?" I read her lips so I could understand what she was saying.

"She's 15 and it's none of your business." Nico snapped at her,

"Whatever, I mean it's totally normal for someone who's in high school to need to separate their food." Providence rolled her eyes, did she really think it was normal? Wasn't she just judging me for it?

"I came to say that you left your bracelet in class." She handed me my green and gold bracelet, but the string was snapped and more than half the beads were missing. I looked where the string was snapped, it was obvious it had been cut by scissors. I shoved the broken bracelet into my the pocket of my jeans. I didn't have any more beads so I couldn't remake it, this made me sad. That bracelet reminded me of home.

I scraped the rest of the potatoes off of my snag and began eating again, though I didn't have much of an appetite. I ate as much as I could (which wasn't much) before I just sat there and listened to girl in red.

Since it there was no school tomorrow and the woods were still wet from the rain earlier that day, there was gonna be a campfire, but I didn't feel like going. Instead I just stayed in my cabin and organised all the uno cards over and over.

*Will's POV*

I swear I was going to punch Providence one day. I was seething when I overheard her gossiping about one of the 10 year olds in the Athena cabin. Come on, they're 10, how petty can you get?

Austin, Kayla and I led the campers through some standard campfire songs before it was time for smores. Nico and I had our shoulders touching and after 40 minutes I reaslised Nico was starting to dose off. He was so cute when he slept.

When the campfire was over Nico was asleep, I didn't want to wake him, so I just carried him to my cabin and placed him on my bed as I started to get ready for the night.

I looked over at Halina, she was still sorting out all the uno cards at rapid speed. It looked like she was sorting them by colour, though it could've been number, or maybe it was both? She hadn't notice us come back so I gently shook her shoulder to get her attention. She just looked at me and packed up their cards.

*Halina's POV*

After a while I just kinda zoned out, I started sorting the uno cards by number, then colour, then both, then I repeated the cycle. I hadn't noticed how much time had passed before Will shook my shoulder letting me know it was time for bed. I kept the headphones on throughout the night and fell asleep listening to Hamilton.

Fortunately I didn't dream that night and in the morning I took my headphones off, placing them on my pillow.

I spent the day talking and getting to know Rei. I told her about how every Cabin had a library, but all the books were based off what god the cabin belonged to. Like if you wanted a Heartstopper book you had to go to the Aphrodite cabin, and if you wanted Harry Potter you had to go to the Hecate cabin, luckily for Rei that was her cabin. You technically weren't allowed to go to libraries that weren't yours, but you could easily sneak into some of them. I was always in the Aphrodite library, but if I went into cabin 6's I probably would've been sent to the infirmary.

I taught Rei how to shoot an arrow. She was amazed at how I could hit the target perfectly, but I told her I didn't even compare to Kayla. After that we went to where the instruments were kept. I immediately went to the violins. I liked them much better than trumpets, I was only playing one because Chiron was urging me to do something new. He didn't need to know trumpets weren't knew for me.

I started to play a few notes, and soon things around me started floating.

"It's just like in The Owl House!" Rei exclaimed,

"That's how I learned how to do it." I said with a smile.

*Time Skip*

It had been months since Rei came to camp and we had been hanging out everyday. She didn't seem to get sick of me which I was thankful for. We walked up the steps of my cabin while holding hands, we were going to play truth or dare, because apparently, my siblings want to know Rei better.

Rei and I slumped down on the floor, our shoulders touching, Kayla eyed us warily, though I didn't know why.

"Kayla, truth or dare?" I asked her

"Uhhh, dare" 

"I dare you to uhh, eat a giant spoon if Vegemite in one go, and you can't put anything else in your mouth until the next person has had they're turn." Kayla glared at me and I couldn't help but smile. We all walked to the dining pavilion together and watched as Kayla put a massive spoon if Vegemite into her mouth and swallow. Her eyes watered and she made a weird strangling sound

"Austin truth or dare?" She said quickly,


"I dare you to hand me a glass of water."

"That's such a lame dare," Rei said sounding like she wanted some drama.

"Rei, truth or dare?" Austin looked at her.

"Dare," she said without hesitation.

"Eat a banana peal" I made a face,

"What?" I didn't see how Rei was gonna manage that,

"Do I have to eat the whole thing?" She asked Austin,

"Uhh just bite a piece off." Rei grabbed a banana off a plate and dug her teeth into the peal. She made a face before ripping a bit off, then spitting it out.

"Will, truth or dare?"

"Truth," he said, I don't think Will ever chose dare.

"What's an embarrassing story about one of your siblings?" Will chuckled and Austin, Kayla and I glared at her.

"Well, Halina was at around 9 and all her sweatpants were in the wash and it was snowing so Chiron was trying to get her to wear jeans, instead of shorts. Halina threw a mini tantrum and started to cry and winge, because of that they compromised and she wore a pair of Kayla's leggings that were way to big."

I blushed and hid my head in my hands,

" I remember that!" Austin said,

"You said you hated the swishing noise that they made." Kayla just laughed at the memory while Rei snickered. 

"I couldn't wear jeans till I was 12."

 Not one of my best moments 

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