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Third POV:

"Where are we?" Y/n said in a confused tone.

All Y/n remember that she, Adagio, and Sonata are so close taking over Equestria but Star Swirl the Bearded banished them to another world. But a certain siren got separate with her comrades.

"Adagio? Sonata?" Y/n calls out their names but no reply. She looks around but the two of them are out of sight. She tries to stand up but she notice something about her new form. "What happened to my hooves?!"

"I-I can't feel any magic! This is a world without magic!" Y/n panicked but she cools herself off and think of something. She decided to walk around Fontaine to find a way to go back home or find Adagio and Sonata.

Something caught her eyes, when she saw a poster on the bulletin board that caught her interest. "A singing competition?" She read it out load not that she mind, no one was there since it was midnight.

Y/n notice that her pendant is glowing. "There's still a whisper of magic left in my pendant! Enough for me to keep singing!"

"I'm going to win this competition... Enough to gather the energy and chaos... And maybe, one day... To go back home."


From the other side

"Curse that old fool! He trapped us in another world!" Adagio silently cursing Star Swirl the bearded.

"Adagio, what happened to my hooves?!" Sonata panicked, not used to her new form.

"Y/n is not with us." Adagio said. She notice that Y/n is not here with them.

"Maybe this is a punishment for insultling me." Sonata said.

Adagio face palm at what Sonata said. She is so done with her, especially if Y/n was here just the two of them to bickering with each other. "Enough of that! There's still magic left in our pendants. Enough for us to keep singing!"

"Enough to gather the energy and chaos... And maybe, one day... To go back home and bring Y/n back to us."

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