Chapter 2

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Third POV:

"Um, hello there! Excuse me! Are you alright?"

Paimon asked the young lady. A young woman with purple eyes, pale skin, light grayish brown hair that's tied into a low thin ponytail which extends to the end of her back. She also has two prominent strands of hair beside her bangs that reach her chin with her blunt bangs being in a style of side-swept bangs which is swept to the right. Additionally she has cat-like ears, and a cat tail. She also has a small dark brown star-shaped mark on her left cheek.

"...Huh? Ah, I'm fine... Thanks." ??? said.

"Oh, okay then. We just noticed that you seemed to be worried about something." Paimon said.

"About many things, actually... But there's nothing I can do but just keep my troubles to myself. I was just reminiscing about a place my brother and I would play when we were kids. It was just atop that hill over there, see?" ??? Points the direction.

"Uh, you're pointing at the sea... Wait, are you saying that you and your brother lived in the water?" Paimon asked.

"Maybe they're mermaids?" Traveler said.

"Though people call the waters around Fontaine a "sea," it's actually just an inland take that's filled with fresh water. And though I can still see that hill clearly in my memories, now it's been completely submerged." ??? Said.

"He would skip and jump, tossing sand in the wind... The sun shone brightly and the air was filled with the scent of the sea. But now the water is gradually swallowing our memories... It won't be long before it shallow us." She said.

"Uh, sorry, Paimon doesn't really get what you mean." Paimon apologize.

"Ah, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. Are you Lynette's new friends." A young man with violet eyes, pale skin, and short ash blond hair said.

"Oh, and you are..." Paimon asked.

"Thanks for looking for my sister, she often comes here to reminisce about our childhood, that's all. There's no need for any concern. Ah, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lyney, and this is my sister, Lynette. If I had to guess. I'd say you must be travelers from abroad." Lyney said.

"Nice to meet you, Paimon is Paimon, and this is Traveler. We just arrived in Fontaine." Paimon introduce both her and the Traveler.

"We were just talking with your sister, uh... even though we didn't really get what she was saying." She said.

"Hmm, I see. It's unusual for Lynette to be so willing to talk with anyone, in fact, she seldom speaks at all. I'm usually the only one she ever talks to." Lyney said.

"Oh, really? Then you two are just like us! Paimon's always the one talking for some reason." Paimon said.

"Because you always steal all my lines." Traveler said.

"Huh! So that's how you think it is?" Paimon said.

"I also think my brother can be too talkative at times." Lynette stares at her brother.

Lyney chuckles. "Ah, hehe... Seems you were right, Paimon. We are quite similar."

"Hehe... So what did Lynette mean just now when she said that the water is engulfing your memories, and that it won't be long before it engulfs you too?" Paimon asked.

"Ah, that... It's from a prophecy that's been circulating in Fontaine for some time now. Well, I supposed "prophecy" isn't exactly the right word, because that implies a certain amount of uncertainty. There's no doubt about what's happening in Fontaine now..." Lyney said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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