Chapter Two RCPD

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The trio just made there way into Raccoon City and all they see are death and destruction everywhere.

Leon: Looks like we have to walk from here.

Claire: Yeah Jesus Christ.

Jordan: You sure there is not another way.

Leon: Look the straight path is blocked.

Before another word could be said the car gets swarmed by zombies and if that was not enough a truck comes speeding in on fire.

Jordan: Oh you have got be fucking kidding me!

All three bust down there door's as Claire Leon and Jordan all get separated with Leon and Jordan ending up on one side and Claire on the other. Jordan and Leon ready there guns as they get a move on and they make it to the police station not before locking the front gate they make there way to the doors and signal on three.

Leon: 3

Jordan: 2

Leon/Jordan: 1

They both say kicking open the doors as they aim there guns looking around.

Leon: Right side clear.

Jordan: Left side clear.

They put there weapons away and see a computer running they walk over to it and Leon clicks on the security cams to see what's going on. As they look through the cams they see a cop running and shooting a zombie while holding up a book so Leon walks his way over to the close pathed way not before getting stopped by Jordan.

Jordan: Ok again first the gas station now this Leon come on I know I'm the younger brother here but come on.

Leon: Jordan look I hear where your coming from I do but that officer needs our help.

Jordan: I know but.

Leon: Do you remember why we join the police force.

Jordan: Of course I do.

Leon: We joined so that we could help people that need it be there for people when they need someone to help with there problems. So if that means going into a dark hallway making my way through the undead then I'm gonna do it cause I'm not gonna stand by and let someone die to save my own skin. I know your just looking out for us especially me but you know me and you know a some zombies are not gonna stop me you know I'm tougher then that besides we been on plenty of hiking trips.

Jordan: Yeah we have.

He puts his fist out.

Jordan: You better get your ass back here alive and I mean alive alive not undead alive.

Leon laughs a bit and fist bumps his brother.

Leon: Always.

He says as he makes his way under the blocking way Jordan then starts looking around for anything that could help them. He finds some extra bullets and a police name tag that says S.T.A.R.S and the name it had on it was  Chris Redfield he thinks nothing of it and put's it in his pocket and as he does he hears Leon and runs over. He see's his brother getting through not before a zombie grabs onto him Jordan grabs his brother and try's to pull away but nothing all of sudden a man came out of no where and stomps on the door and slams onto the zombies head killing it in the process.

?????: You two ok?

He ask them.

Both: Yeah thanks mister.

????: Marvin Marvin Branagh.

Leon: Leon Leon Kenadey.

Jordan: I'm Jordan Jordan Kenadey.

Marvin: Ah so you guys are the new recruits.

Jordan: Yeah that's us.

Marvin: Sorry that your first day isn't more normal.

Jordan: Does anyone know how all this happen.

Marvin: Nope no one everything was normal until one day the people became more aggressive and then the people that died came back dead or undead really. At first it was one person then ten people under twenty four hours the whole city became hell you weren't sure what or who you could trust everyone was enemy not just the undead people.

As he was telling them this Leon and Jordan were in the official RCPD uniforms.

Marvin: Apparently that officer found a way out by using these notes you two can finish and get the hell out of here and try to fix all this.

Leon: What about you we can take you with us you need help.

Marvin: No I would only slow you down. You two need to split up take each half of the station I know you two can handle yourselves if you couldn't then you would not have become part of this station. One more thing it does not matter if those things are wearing a uniform or not you shoot or you run do not hesitate you understand cause if you do for even a second then you end up one of them or dead. 

Jordan and Leon fist bump one more time before splitting with Leon taking the right side and Jordan takes the left side. As Jordan was exploring while trying to keep himself alive found a room and he went in it as he kept his gun up not letting his guard down for a second as he was exploring he found a chest and he opened it. When he opened it he found a shotgun along with some ammo as well so he grabs it and loads it and places it on his back and he was wondering around he was able to find the S.T.A.R.S office and when he went in he looked around for a bit and he hacked his way into the armory. When he does he got himself a second pistol but it's not a pistol he got a dessert eagle he comes out of the room and see's four to five zombies just wondering around so he loads his new gun and aims it at the zombies as he wait's for them to line up and they do he shoot's it killing all them.

Jordan: Oh I am so keeping this baby.

After that he got a call on his radio.

Marvin: Jordan get back here now Leon and you need to see this.

Jordan: I'm on the way.

To be continued........         


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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