^Part 16^

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(Shinso's POV)

I knew something serious was going to come up and to be honest I was pretty scared what it was.

Papamic : so you know that we can't keep Izuku here forever or adopt because.

I saw him smirk and me and immediately blushed

Dadzawa : so we have found a few good families that want to adopt him they are in the neighborhood or close by so Hitoshi and them can all meet up.

I sighed.I was relieve that he would be close and we could still visit him with denks.

Dadzawa : there are three families you can pick from. First choice the bakugo's.

( in my au the bakugos live down the street)

I looked at Zuku and I saw his eyes sparkle a bit and I blushed a bit more.

Izu: C-can I choose t-that one please!?

Dadzawa: are you sure? That was only the first one there is still 2 more options.

Izu: I'm s-sure

(Izuku's POV)

I was so relieved that kachans family was on the list I was actually on my way there since he knew about the abuse that was til I got too exhausted and kind of  passed out then Hitoshi and Kami found me!

Aizawa: Ok they live just down the street so they said you can go whenever your ready.

Hitoshi:Also be careful they can be explosive like a lot. Oh also kami lives right next door to them so .

Me: I k-know also oh then I'll p-probably see him .

I see all of their faces turn confused as I said I know that they can be explosive.

Mic: how do you know them?

Me: I-i was actually going to their h-house  but that was until I k-kind of passed out from exhaustion and Hitoshi a-and denki found me and brought me here and now we are at p-present time. 

Aizawa:  oh but still how do you like know them?

Me: o-oh me and Kachan were childhood best friends a-and he knew about my dad and stuff and he would help me sometimes but we hadn't seen e-each other a l-lot recently due t-to things.

Hitoshi: oh wow didn't know that angry Pomeranian boy could help someone.Normally he is just  BOOM explosive and always saying DIEEE. He comes by here sometimes with his family but me denks and him used to hang out but he hasn't really talked to us lately.

Me: H-hey don't be mean about kachan and o-oh ya he does that sometimes.He does it when he's bothered by something it's probably because we haven't seen o-or talked in a w-while.

Aizawa: you should probably pack some of your stuff so you can go see if he is ok and talk to him and catch up.

Me: ok I will.

I ran up the stairs and finished packing my things in my yellow backpack since I didn't have much.I then zoomed back down the stairs and tried to brush my hair but to my luck I failed.

Me: I'm r-ready so d-do I just go o-or when?

Hitoshi: I'm coming I'm going with you to drop you off even though it's just down the street. I want to say bye to you for now.

I could see Hitoshi had an evil smirk as if he were planning a surprise or something, but I ignored it and started walking out the door and across the street til I saw a small kitten and immediately got distracted.

Me: Eeeeekk I-it's so cuteeeeee 

I knew I was making fanboy noises but oh well I love cats especially kittens . Normally I only fanboy over hero's but I can't help it.

Hitoshi: Zuku come on we have to go.

Me: aw o-ok b-bye explosion. I'll see you at home.

Hitoshi: how do you know that?

Me: because I'm a neko and I can understand the cat and apparently it belongs to kachan and that explains the n-name.

Hitoshi: ok but come on it is litteraly a few steps away.

I get up and we arrive and I ring the doorbell and hold the cat as it's purring in my arms.I can hear a few yelling and heard kachans voice and I knew it was him and smiled.

(Katsuki's POV)

I knew that we were gonna adopt Zuku and he was coming today but what I didn't expect was to open the door and he stands there holding my cat while his tail is moving and a purple hair living eyebags stands next to him.

Zuku: Kachan!! 

Eyebags: hello Katsuki.

Me: hey Zuku.

I quickly open my arms so he can come and hugs me and I place my chin on his head as I am taller than him. I then look or more like glare at the living eyebags/ mind freak.

Me: what are you doing here eyebags and where's the Pikachu that your dating.

Eyebags: dont call me that and also Kami-

Before he could finish his sentence I saw the Pikachu pop out of no where.

Pikachu: I AM HERE! 

I saw him doing a stupid all might pose and I saw Zuku start laughing and I smile softly and rub his ears.


Me: SHUT THE HELL UP EYEBAGS. Why are you two even here.

Shinso:first of all me and denks found him passed out in an alleyway and brought him home with us to my dads, they arrested his mom and here we are.

I look down at Izuku and am relieved he is safe now because he would refuse to let me call the cops on his mother.

Me: well I'm glad you found him I guess and if you are mean to him one bit I will personally make your life a living hell. 

Denki: y-yes sir Katsuki.

I rolled my eyes at them and took notice of my little kitten in zukus arms and smiled.

Zuku: Kachan I missed you.

Me: I know Zuku I know. I missed you too,

Zuku: now why have been ignoring Hitoshi and denki!

I gulped and realized Izuku was a bit mad and he is scary when he's mad.

Me: w-well you see-

Zuku: save it for later Katsuki 

I saw him give me his death glare and knew i was done for.

Zuku: bye hito bye denki I'll see you guys tomorrow and don't worry I'll take care of Katsuki for you

He had a creepy smile on and it scared even me

 Well this will be fun.

(1114 words)

I am very sorry I haven't posted in almost a month and I'm a very thankful to whoever is reading this I hope you have been doing alright and if not I'm sure life will get better soon! I will try to begin updating every week again but if not I will update every other week and I made this a lot longer since I have been gone for so long.I hope you have a great day or night wherever you are!

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