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Hey guys! So here is chapter three!! Hope you guys enjoy!! Also I know it took forever, but I left my notebook at my dad's, so I had to wait to publish the next part!!

Mike's POV

I heard my phone ringing and stopped talking. Grabbing my phone, I headed to the lounge room to answer the call.
"Hello?" I spat, still irritated.
A young woman responded, " Hi! Is this Mike Rotilio?"
I nodded, then remembered she wasn't here. "Yes."
"Well, Mr. Rotilio, my name is Anna Laudermilt; a cop from Dallas, Texas."
   "Wait, Texas?" I'm confused. I didn't think we did anything that far away. ( we lived in Boston )
   Anna cleared her throat, " Um... yes. I'm pleased to inform you that we have found your son, Seven Rotilio.
   My stomach fell out of my body. I stumbled around but caught body on the couch and sat down. I can't breathe. I don't remember my name, who I am, where I can make from, anything.
Suddenly everything froze. Then I breathed out a slow breath, careful to avoid the mic on my phone.
She spoke again, " Mr. Rotilio, are you still there?"
   " Yeah." I muttered, then spoke up. " Is Seven all right? Can we see him?"
   " Yes. Thankfully his injuries weren't as severe as others."
   " Can-can he come home? Please?" I practically begged.
   " Of course; he's been asking to. He remembers you guys. If you could, would you please come pick him up on Friday morning? We can pay for your plane ticket if you-"
   " No that's ok." I cut her off. I just wanted to see Seven again. More than anything.
   We finished setting up the arrangements and she hung up. I stayed on the couch for a few more minutes. I didn't know how to tell them. I know this family is falling apart, and I haven't done anything to help it. But it's hard. I let a few tears fall, streaming down my cheek slowly. I hadn't cried since Mary died.
I finally stood up and walked back into the dining room. I sat down, thinking on how to break the news. They all sat just looking at me; some were scared, some bored. But they were all looking at me.
I looked at Emery when I said it. " Your brother's coming home."
I think Phoenix and Carter were the only ones who knew what I meant. But slowly everyone started understanding, due to how I was looking at Emery. Slowly she realized too. I saw the difference in her eyes when she realized who I meant. Tear's began to form in her eyes so I quickly said, " I'm going to pick up Seven on Friday."
Seven. We never, ever used that word in this house. One time, one of Emery's teacher called and said she cried when she was told to answer number seven. But now Emery was looking at me with hope. I know mostly everyone at this table probably didn't believe me, but I could see that Emery did. What other option did she have?

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Thursday evening came quickly. I had asked Phoenix to come with me, so we were leaving in about half an hour. I hate to admit it, but I'm nervous. I haven't seen my boy since he was six. And I know how much I'd changed since then.
I walked downstairs to see Axel, Piper, and Colton sitting at our kitchen island. I immediately asked Piper, " Have you seen Isaac?"
   Piper nodded and said, " He's in the garage."

   Of course he was. Isaac was the car freak in our family. I don't know exactly what he does, but he makes a lot of cash from it. I entered our six car garage and looked for Isaac. Since Phoenix and I would be gone, Carter lived on his own, and Nova was at collage, I needed Isaac to watch the kids.
   I found him by the wheel of a car, checking something. The door was open, so I called out. " Isaac?"
   He looked up and grinned. " Hey Dad!" I grinned back. Isaac was a sweetheart.
   I walked over to the passenger door and sat down. " I need your help."
Isaac blew out a sigh, his dark curls blowing up. " With what?"
" I need you to watch the kids until Phoenix and I get back."
   Isaac looked at me and a laugh escaped his lips.
" You think those heathens will listen to me?"
   " Well, get them to. Also, try to clean up the house before we get back. I want everything to be perfect for Seven."
   Isaac studied me for a moment, then nodded. I smiled and left the garage.


Me and Phoenix are on the plane, he's asleep but I can't seem to fall asleep. I can't believe I'm going to see Seven again. I never thought I would.

I'm nervous, but excited at the same time. I haven't really felt this way in a long time, but I wish I felt it more often.

I focus on what to say to him. I don't really know what he's like, because I haven't seen him in so long. I vaguely hear the flight attendant saying something on the loudspeaker, but I'm too tired to pay attention.

{time skip to Friday morning}

I awake with a jolt. For a second, I'm confused, then I remember I'm going to see Seven in a few hours! I pull out my phone and check the time:

7:03 a.m

Anna said to meet her at the police station at eight. I don't know how much longer our flight is, but probably only a few minutes or so.

   I was right. In about five minutes, the plane had landed and passengers were starting to get off. Phoenix and I stood up, and started walking up to the exit.

   Once out of the airport, I called and Uber. Dallas definitely wasn't what I would have imagined. Sure, it was hot here, but not too hot.

    It took us about thirty minutes to get to the police station. The station was a pretty small, rectangular box building in the middle of a busy street.

   The Uber dropped us off and me and Phoenix entered the station. A lady at the front desk signed us in and told us to wait for a few minutes.  We did so, sitting down on the chairs nearby.

   I can feel my heartbeat creeping up into my throat. Every moment I sit still it gets worse and worse, until I can barely breathe. Although I know there was hardly anything I could've done, I still feel guilty about Seven's disappearance in the first place.

   A few minutes later, a young woman walked out of a door, and gestured for us to follow her into the room. We stood up, and walked with her into the room.

   The room was surprisingly small, with a desk tucked into the corner, overflowing with books and papers. A certified license hung framed on the wall, along with some paintings.

   I skimmed the room, then I noticed him, sitting in a chair. My son. Seven.


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Oh my gosh he's about to see Seven again!!!!!! Also sorry about all the time skips, but I didn't know what to put.

Guysss I'm so mad about the Super Bowl!!! But I'm still rooting 49ers, how about u?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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