15. nakul scared by his own prank?????

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Arjun opened his eyes only to find himself snuggled to madhav's chest and the latter holding him close, like a father holding his baby.

By looking at the sky , he could make out it was almost 3 in the morning.

He looked at madhav and was mesmorised .. he looked so charming even in sleep. And that smile, it never left his face even when he slept.

Madhav's hand was still placed on arjun's forehead , as if assuring him protection from the entire universe while he was in his company.

Arjun could not help but smile.

"I wonder what or how I would live without you, madhav". He whispered and smiled, jently removing krishna's hand of him, careful not to disturb him.

He then slowly without making any noice, got out of bed and went out of krishna's room, slightly closing the doors.

It was still dark outside and our mischievous nakul decided to play a prank on his bhrata arjun, yet again. His bhrata had always said he wasn't scared of ghosts. He woke up at the same time as arjun did and litraly covered his face with white powder. Then he removed his long curly loks and it litraly bounced covering his entire face. The already fair nakul looked really like a ghost , as whitish as a ghost now.

He took 2 white angavastras of himself, his bhrata bhim and their jyesht yudhishtir and covered it all over his body. Nakul stared at himself in the mirror kept in the common chambers of the brothers and gasped in Horror. His beautiful face. His oh so cute face had turned so bad , soly because of his wish to prank bhrata arjun and test his courage.

He shrugged those thoughts off and walked out of the room, closing the doors jently. Unknown to him, Sahadev had woken up and observed him and his doings and had snickered siolendly catching onto his brother's prank.

"all the best, dear bro. either do or dy". Sahadev wished and snuggled closer to bhim, drifting back to sleep again.



Arjun walked through the coridoors and it was still dark outside. He had taken only a few steps from madhav's room when he spoted a Sprawled figger on the ground. His warrior instincts immediately alerted him and he went closer. He saw it was a guard, breathing hard and gasping for air.

Arjun jently placed his hands over the guard's chest and calmed him down, asking him slowly.

"pranipat mahoday . could you kindly tell me what the reason for your this state is? Is there an intruder? ". Arjun asked, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "no, no, rajkumar.".

"there was there was a ghost". The guard said and arjun was petrified. "ghost?". Arjun asked, just to confirm the guard wasn't out of his mind. The guard nodded his head Vigorously and arjun smiled to himself. "listen, mahoday. You'd have just seen someone pass through and may be due to darkness, you'd have mistaken the figger to be a ghost".

Arjun tried and the guard nodded, standing on his feat and going back to duty.

Arjun turned sideways and immediately regreted doing so. He saw a pale figger standing behind him, their teeth so purley white and eyes hela red. Their hairs were curley and long and face was hollow white.

Their eyeballs were invisible and their feat so so thin.

Arjun blinked, rubbing his eyes . with a swift moment, he turned in front and saw the guard looking at him, no behind him in shock.

Arjun didn't know what he felt right then. The figger was horribly smiling at him and their tongue was filled with blood.

Their body was pale and almost wrotten, but no foul smell?

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