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"Good morning, everyone. Thank you for coming over on such short notice. " Zen said, looking at me and all the others. He explained that he was requested for an official matter in another kingdom and was requesting a group of guards but also all of us to accompany him.

We packed light and met up in front of the palace. I walked over to Obi, and from the corner of my eye, i saw Kyo, arriving along some other guards. I looked away, ignoring him as long as i could.

We hoped on horses, Shirayuki with Zen, Kiki stubbornly taking her own when Mitsuhide suggested to ride with her, and then there were none left for me. Obi looked at me and grinned before saying: "need a hand getting on my horse?"

I blushed a little before taking his hand and climbing behind him on the horse. He pulled my hand and placed it on his stomach area before saying: "Hold on tight roses, i don't like going too slow."

I wrapped my arms around his torso and saw from the color of his ears that he was blushing a bit. We left, Obi and i lesding the group, scouting if the path was clear for the prince and the others following behind us.

After about an hour of traveling, Obi slowed down the horse, and i looked to the side to see that the bridge we were meant to cross completely destroyed at the bottom of the ravine.

We rode backward to meet up with the rest and told them we were gonna have to go around the ravine. Everyone disappointed, we started going around it. Slowly, but surely we got back on track, but night had settled in. We decided to make camp in an open space and sleep for the night.

While Obi was helping Shirayuki and i build our tent, Kyo came up to me and asked for us to talk in private. I excused myself and followed him away from my friends.

"Hey, so I heard from your father that you have to find someone else before your next birthday, otherwise our marriage will happen.....honestly why are you being so difficult? Isn't it like your only duty as a noble woman to get married?"

His words struck a nerve in me. I stayed silent. I was trying to contain my anger. How insolent.

"I'll get you back on track, so let's get married already."

I couldn't hold it anymore. I glared at him. My arm lifted in the air. It went backward for a swing. At high speed, it was headed for Kyo's face. Before it could make an impact, a hand grabbed my wrist and stopped it.

Without even bothering to see who stopped me, i lifted my other hand and attempted again, but it was stopped as easily as the first time.

"Take a deep breath and consider your actions before doing them. If you're sure that's what you want to do even after considering the consequences, do it."

I listened and took a deep breath before walking away, back to Shirayuki.

Obi's pov

I was helping you and Shirayuki building their tent for the night, when suddenly a guard arrived and requested to talk with you. In private. For some reason, i could sense that something was bad was gonna happen.

I hurried up finishing building the tent, and once i was done, I told Shirayuki to go meet up with Zen.

I searched around for you until i saw you, looking down, clearly not having fun the conversation. And that's when I remembered who that guard was. He's the one you were engaged to.

I walked up to you to try and break your conversation before you get angry at him, and the situation gets out of hand.

"Hey roses! Just finished up making your tent, wanna see?" I barely finished my sentence that i ran towards you, catching your arm before she could hit him. And then your other.

I looked behind me and glared at the guard. Get out of here. "I can't hold her back forever."

He left, and i turned to you, told you to consider your actions before doing them, and then let go of you. You started walking away but soon fell on your knees and closed your arms around yourself, sobbing and crying out into the woods.

I walked over to you and kneeled down next to you, placing my hand on your back, stroking softly to comfort you. I wasn't very sure what to do since i had never comforted someone before, but you turned towards me and laid your head on my shoulder.

I let you lean on me for as long as you needed and then sat down in silence, next to you. We were just looking up at the stars. I didn't pry and waited for her to talk first. She explained how frustrated she was towards the situation she was in and how unfair it was. She also told me what the guard had said to make her want to hit him and ended up apologizing to me for 'bothering me with her issues'.

"You are not bothering me in the slightest, I'm here for you if you just want to talk. That's what friends are for, right?" I told her, smiling softly, and she broke a smile before resting her head on my shoulder.

After a couple minutes, i walked her back to her tent before heading to the one I was sharing with Zen and Mitsuhide. When i walked in, Zen was still up, so we talked a bit about the plan for the next day of travel. He then changed the subject:

"You go man! I saw you with her. I think you two look very good together." He said, winking and making a childish smile as if he was a matchmaker.

It annoyed me for some reason. I don't know what came over me. It was like the words stormed out of my mouth. "You can't be saying that. She's my friend and partner. Either way, it's Shirayuki i like..."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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