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It was the summer after he finished 4th year and also after he finished the Triwizard Tournament.

Harry's POV

I got up and was very weak from not getting my right food portions. The only thing I have had this summer is one granola bar every week, except for the times that Dudley would share his food with me, which was very rare because of his parents. He would sometimes say that he was not hungry and then say later on that he was and then make me make myself something.


I got up. The 2 weeks before school starts I get sent to the Weasley's. I was tired. Every time I was there it felt like I was getting drained of my magic. I was very suspicious of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ginny and Percy. I felt somewhat better around the others. 

I got up and grabbed my stuff. I shrinked it and put a featherweight charm on it. I walked out to see Petunia and Vernon at the table giving me with judging eyes. Dudley looks very concerned about me. He has tried so may times to help me this summer and the last several summer that I have come home. I cooked them there food and served it. Vernon and Petunia took a bite and spit it out. I was walking back to turn off the stove. 


I turned around and was met with a hand to my face. I fell. He grabbed me by my very torn up shirt collar and pressed my hands onto the stove. He kept my hand there until there was blood dripping onto the drip pan. I could smell the blood. He then took my hand off of the burner and grabbed his wallet.

"Let's go. We are going out to eat. Stay here and clean this all up. When you are finished, leave and never come back."

Dudley stayed where he was at the table.

"Duds let's go."

"I am fine. I am not hungry. My friends are coming over soon anyways."

"Ok fine. But if anything happens, call us immediately."

"Ok. Bye."


They walked out. He ran over to me and grabbed my hands.

"This is bad. Do you know how to heal it?"

"Yes. Go grab my wand from the cupboard."

He ran out and came back 5 minutes later with my stupid wand. It did not feel right to me. I want to get one before I go back to school.

"So are you going to the Weasley's? They could help."

"I love them but no. I am going to stay at The Leaky Cauldron. It is has a pub, restaurant and hotel. I am going to get new stuff for school and stuff not that's not for school. I should be good on time before school starts back up in 2 weeks."


He said it in a sad tone.


"I-i was just wondering if I could go with you. I do not like how my parents have been treating you. I know that they don't treat me how they treat you, but I still do not like it. I would feel a lot more better knowing that you are safer."

"How about you come with me? I could get 2 rooms and then we can go out whenever without having to be worried at all times that we are being watched."

"That sounds good."

"Let's start packing."

1 hour later

We have all of his stuff. I shrink it down to where it could all fit in the chest that I used to have in 1st and 2nd year. We are in the kitchen getting snacks and raiding everything when there is a knock on the window. I look over to see an owl. I opened the window and took the letter from it's mouth and gave him a treat. The letter read:

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