Try Not To Laugh Challenge

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3rd pov

"ATTENTION! ATTENTION! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! *siren stop*...from laughing! At the grand premiere of-!*bow laugh* Where was i? The grand premiere of-!*more contestants laugh* of Inanimate Life Weekly Limited MePhone Edition. Why is no one listrning?!"

We can see the contestant hand The 'Funny' Note to each as they start laughing. Yin-Yang or Yang throw the note as it start falling and land on Floory face, make him laugh.

"PFFF-HAHA this literally cannot be allowed. This is the absolute funniest, silliest thing going on right now!*chuckles*"

Bow pick the note, see Clover in the distance with frown and try to show her. But each time she walk toward her, she move away from her as she leave Clover alone.

"I'm so sorry we're late for your emergency thing, MePhone. It won't happen again." Balloon said when he walk with Nickel.

"Hey! We probably didn't miss much. Probably just some"Oh boo hoo help me! None of the contestants i trapped here wanna play my wittle game! BABY HOST WAA WAAA!!!"" Nickle teased as Balloon try not to laugh.

Mephone groans about it as he speak to them.

"If this note is SO funny, let me look! C'mon! Give me that! Lemme have it!" He try to reach it but since Silver was taller than him, he can't.

"Of course, it's a hoot." Silver Spoon said as the note is fling by the wind.

"NO! Why must levity be so fleeting? Curse this gentle breeze!" TT yelled as Cab smirk about it.

"How about we join together and collect the note's message? So that way we may all re-experience the grandest humor of our lives...once again." Candle said calmly as ever. Everyone(except clover and Energy Crystal) look her for a few seconds before started laughs.

Mephone4 in the other hand, had enough...

"That's IT. Laughter is OFFICIALLY ILLEGAL!" He yelled as everybody gasp, but Floor.

"Haha... whaat?"

Energy Crystal's POV

If you guys wonder where i was before i was here with everybody. I was at the MOST peaceful waterfall i've ever been in this island, there twinkle lights, smooth music, the water was super fresh and calm, and everything nice. Until Floor show up, scare me half to death and i almost electrocuted him because of this. He told me to get here with everyone even tho he ruined my peaceful moment.

Now here i am with everyone and figure it out that laughter is illegal in this island which honestly sound like a stupid reason for it.

"While i was excited for the original challenge... The Chocolate and Other Very Yummy Treat Tasting Challenge is now on the back burner." While he said this. Me, Floor and Yin-Yang look at it with sad and desperate expression. I was sweet tooth, ok?!(A/N: i was sweet tooth in real life too, EC, no need to yelled about it).

"For today's challenge, three contestants from each team will compete. Two of those contestants, The Law Abiding Citizens, CAN NOT LAUGH! Any giggles, chuckles or 'hehe"s are breaking the law, sending them to the Jail of Criminals and out of the challenge. The third contestant on each team, The Nuisance, will try to get the opposing citizens to laugh. The first team to lose both of their citizens to the societal corruption of joy and laughter will be up for elimination! I'll pick three from each team to compete!" Mephone finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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