Prologue, Act III - Song of The Dragon And Freedom + Anime Intro (Part 2)

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[The scene now shows the group standing in a high platform above Stormterror's Lair as Kiran did a 360° turn to survey the area]

Everyone watched with baited breath - this is it. The part where the team faces off against Stormter - no - Dvalin and free him off his misery once and for all.

"This is it..."Venti muttered as Kiran looked at him with a brow raised.

"You nervous?"

Venti put on a grin and looked at Kiran," Nervous? If anything, I should be happy - Dvalin will finally be free from all this when it's all said and done."

Kiran just laughed and elbowed Venti's chest lightly and said," I'll take your word for it, Barbatos."

"Oh come on, we're friends now - so please, just call me Venti. And besides - I've gotten used to the name, anyway..."Venti insisted with a small wave of his hand as Kiran shrugged.

"If you say so."

Kiran:Where is he...?

[They heard a loud roar as they turned around and saw the dragon himself flying towards them, baring his claws]

Yūrei:There he is.

"Really? A one-liner before a fight?"Aether sent the puppet a brow raised at the incorrect timing of his sarcasm. Yūrei just crossed his arms and closed his eyes, looking proud of his sarcasm onscreen.

"It had to be done. And why not, anyway?"

Aether raised a finger to argue before biting his lip - realizing that he has no point in arguing against the ex-Sixth Fatui Harbinger.

"Okay, you win."

Jean:Move it!

[The group proceeded to dodge Stormterror's claws, which ended up scratching the platform]

Diluc:Let's get this done!

[Diluc summons his Claymore, the Wolf's Gravestone, and Jean held her sword, the Aquila Favonia, and looked up as Stormterror circled around the platforms, ready to attack]

Paimon:Get down here, Dvalin!

Paimon ended up getting hit on the back of her head by Yūrei," You rushing us to our deaths, you little glutton?"

Paimon just looked up and chuckled nervously, twiddling her fingers together...

[As if he understood what Paimon said, Stormterror descended from the skies and sent blasts of Anemo at the platform, forcing them to avoid the blasts of Anemo]

Kiran:We need to stun him!

Venti:I got this!

[Venti aimed at one of the blood clots on Dvalin's back. He sticked his tongue out as he imbued the arrow with Anemo and took the shot - the arrow hitting the blood clot but that barely even did anything]

Yūrei:That barely did anything!

"It seems stunning him with one shot isn't enough to stun him..."Venti let out a small sigh, whereas Kiran was noting down what he has seen on his notebook.

"Guess a few more shots wouldn't hurt."

[Kiran tried shooting at the blood clot with his Mosin Nagant, taking aim but is unable to get a shot due to how Stormterror moves constantly]

Kiran:Hold still...

[And once he sees the mark, he pulled the trigger as a bullet blazed through the sky and hit the blood cloth behind Stormterror's back as the dragon let out an angered roar]

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