Chapter .02

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I woke up surprised that a pillow was still right in front of my face. And then I remember why it was there. It was because of that girl. Great I'm going to be late for school and I look like a complete mess. What is my mystery girl going to think of me now? I got up from bed, threw on my jeans and white t-shirt, slicked back my hair, and practiced what I was going to say to her in the mirror if I ever bumped into her that day.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?". I knew I was going to win her heart.

• • •

As the lunch bell rang, I made my way outside the classroom. Just my luck, I saw her: the mystery girl. She was at her locker so this was it, my big moment. As I walked down the hall and reached her locker, something hard smacked my face. I groaned in pain and rubbed my now-red-forehead.

She gasped, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to really!" I felt her delicate fingers graze over my forehead. I smiled like an idiot, "It's okay."

I got up from the floor and stared at her in awe. For some strange reason she was staring right back at me except she was staring at my forehead. "Hey, we're matching now." She lightly laughed.

This was my chance, so I thought back to the pickup line I was planning to say. I was really nervous and I started to stutter. "I-I-I lost your number, can I have mine?". She stared at me with such a puzzled look on her face. Did she not like it? Was there something on my face...well aside from my new scar.

Then something happened that I didn't expect. She reached inside her locker and grabbed a sticky note and pen. I watched as she wrote down her own digits and held out the paper. "Here. Text me sometime- oh and you might need some more work on that pickup line you got there." And with that she closed her locker and walked away.

Did that just happen?
"YESSSSS!!!!!!", I screamed and then looked around. Thankfully there were barely any people around. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kiko. "Hey dude, you'll never believe what just happened to me!"

He squinted his eyes and looked at me, "Let me guess you're crush just gave you her phone number?" I nodded with excitement. He looked at me bewildered, "Oh really? I'm awesome!"

"By any chance, did you see that girl who was walking down the hall? Do you know her name?" I asked. Soon Kiko started to point out every girl that walked down the hallway. And I'm not exaggerating. "Oh was it her? Her name's Diana, she's new. Or was it the one in the pink dress? She's Katy or was it Kate? I don't really remember-". I glared at him for a long time. "What?", he asked.

"Nothing", I shook my head and mumbled, "What would I do without you?" Apparently he heard me and replied back, "Nothing. You would do nothing." He gave me a toothy grin and started to walk away. I rolled my eyes and followed him towards our next class.

• • •

Finally I was home. I could do what I was waiting for the whole day. I grabbed the sticky note and my phone. I didn't have the courage so I started pacing back and forth. When I composed myself I dialed the numbers as quick as I could and then stood there frozen. Soon the ringing stopped,


there you guys have it. finally chapter two :) stay tuned for the next chapter! please comment and vote because that would really mean a lot (˘˘)

the mystery girl // kathniel+kathquenWhere stories live. Discover now