Chapter 6 - The Cayo Perico Heist

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A few months later in 2020, after performing some services for the Diamond Casino and Resort and also making several sales of his illicit products, Hans has now accumulated a fortune of nine million dollars

But that year a new opportunity arose for a scam he could carry out when he received a message from Miguel Madrazzo (who was the son of a crime boss in Los Santos) asking him to go to "The Music Locker" nightclub in the basement of the casino and arriving there ...

— Hey, what are you doing there? - said the security guard

— Wait for the security guard, the guy is with me, let him go... oops my dear, welcome, thanks for coming... what do you want? Tequila? Champagne? Water?...just help yourself, the minimum spend here is crazy

— Nah, I'm fine, don't worry

— Oh, uh, this is my lovely mother Patricia

—You're going to help my boy, aren't you? - Patricia asked, shaking Hans' hand.

— Oh, this is Jackie

— Hi sweetie, I'm Jackie - she said, shaking Hans' hand.

— And this beauty here is Kaylee, she has more followers than the pope

— But, uh, I'm having a hell of a problem right now and it's this guy here...Juan Strickler and they call him "El Rubio the blond Colombian, one of our main suppliers for my family, but somehow this son of a bitch managed to obtain decades worth of information about my family

— I mean with all kinds of business contained in that information and then you take any shit out of context and the vision of it is completely fucked up, but in any case he intends to leak this information to the DEA if we don't renegotiate our prices

— Basically he's trying to make me look like a fucking idiot and I don't even care that I'm going to let that piece of shit shake my family and make me look weak in front of my father, I need to get my hands on those files by any means possible.

— So I'm going to leave all this stuff there for you to have to deal with, Strickler acquired a private island on the Caribbean coast in Colombia... many packages of coca and marijuana are produced and shipped there, he also built a large complex with many guards, high technology and for that I need someone to rob that place

— That's something you think you could do, right? We're talking about a big payout here

— Maybe then, I accept

After talking a little more with Miguel and through a tip, Hans acquires a Russian nuclear submarine (to reach Cayo Perico) called Kosatka which is operated by a former Russian sailor called Pavel, a contact of Miguel's who had already made other services for Madrazzos

And arriving at the submarine Hans enters and hears Pavel singing until...

— Scheiße I never thought in my life that I would be inside these submarines, wait... what is that?

— Don't touch anything! Come here, watch your head - said Pavel


— Ah kapitan, I was waiting for you, come, welcome aboard...She is beautiful, isn't she?...The jewel of naval engineering from the late Soviet era with state-of-the-art systems and improvements

— Oh and modified to be fully operational by a minimum crew... of one and allow me to introduce myself... I'm Pavel, first class helmsman and in addition chief engineer... gunner... radar technician and cook

—This thing is twenty years old, but it looks like it was canned yesterday and oh, don't worry it won't leak and this is a moon poon... it allows housing and launching secondary submersible vessels of course, but I think we're getting ahead of ourselves and so come with me

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