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Shink, shink, shink

The rhythmic sound of my swords blade running along the steel rod filled the armory, the calm, repetitive motion nearly lulling me to sleep.

It was an action I'd performed thousands of times before; if I needed a moment to myself in this bustling camp; which was often; I'd find myself in the armory, sharpening my beloved sword till it could cut through leather like butter.

Despite everyone always thinking I'd named it after myself, that wasn't the case.

Nikita: Greek for unconquered.

It was the only acknowledgment I'd ever received from my father; Ares; God of War. I still remember the moment clear as day.

I was twelve, so eager to prove myself in the ring despite lacking a weapon that seemed to fit me. I'd learned to adapt to the unbalanced swords and daggers, adjusting my fighting style to the weapon instead of the letting the weapon accentuate my natural style, as it should.

The tactic worked well enough, and I'd worked my way up to the title of "formidable opponent". The years of constant training since I'd arrived at Camp Half-blood paid off when I managed to win against the former Ares Cabin Counselor, Jake DeGaul. I was so elated I drove my sword into the dirt before me, where it transformed into Nikita. I'd nearly missed the red boars head flashing above me, quick as a lightning strike.

That was the only "contact", if you can even call it that, I'd ever had from my father. Naturally, anger rages at my core, but I learned to channel it into becoming a better fighter, to making myself stronger, a more powerful opponent worthy of my lineage. It's not as if my father would care about anything else I had to offer, but I always told everyone I did it for me and myself.

Have to protect the image somehow.

I was pulled away from my thoughts as Reed Jenkins, son of Demeter, came flying through the doors, sandy hair flopping around. I raised a brow at him as he sheepishly straightened himself after his less then graceful entrance.

" Sorry to bother you Nikita, but I couldn't find you anywhere and it's your turn to guard the boundary so it's been left unattended for like 20 minutes." He rambled, slightly out of breath as he appeared to have been running around the entirety of camp in his search for me.

" Not to worry, nothing that important ever gets through anyway. I'm almost done sharpening my blade, maybe one day I'll get to use it in a real fight." I brushed him off, though I could feel his apprehension as he lingered in the doorway.

" Hey, I won't tell if you won't." I offered as he seemed to loosen up, nodding in agreement.

" Alright, just don't take too long or someone's gonna notice. I don't particularly feel like being scolded by Chiron today." He conceded as I shot him a thumbs up on his way out.

After a couple more minutes I'd sharpened my blade to satisfaction and made my way over to the boundary. To most it appeared to be a normal day, but to the trained eye the clouds were darker than usual and the wind had a slight sting to it as it whipped about. I proceeded swiftly up the hill, my heightened senses sending me into a state of high alert.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the crest of the hill, stumbling towards me in a frantic manner. My brows furrowed as I quickly rushed over until I was face to face with a girl who had to have been half my age. Her dark, long locks were in disarray and her panicked eyes darted to met mine.

" There's so many monsters and they're overpowered but they sent me off but I should've stayed to help and I-"

" Whoa, whoa, it's ok kid. Who's in trouble?" I tried to sooth the girl, keeping a calm demeanor as I dug for answers.

" My friends, Luke and Thalia, they're trying to fight them all off." She explained with heavy breaths.

" Ok, I'll go help them while you run straight into camp, as soon as you see someone ask them to take you to Chiron, do you understand?" I asked. She nodded quickly and I patted her on the back before we ran off in opposite directions.

Once I got to the top of the hill I couldn't help but swear under my breath at the sight of two kids who looked about my age and a swarm of beasts; all three furies and a pack of hell hounds. The boy and the girl fought against them as best as they could, but seemed to be worn down and horribly outnumbered.

I ran down the hill as fast as I could, feeling the border pass through me as I barreled through it. I could hear the girl yelling to the boy, her sword swings becoming sluggish as she succumbed to the visible wounds stretching across her stomach. The boy yelled in protest while unwillingly backing away towards the border.

" THALIA LOOK OUT." But his scream was too late, and the dark haired girl was knocked to the ground by a fury, its sharp claws leaving another set of gashes on her torso.

Her body lay lifeless as the monsters roared in triumph. It felt as if my eyes were stuck open as I looked upon the scene in shock.

It was then I saw him. The boy. His dark eyes had snapped over to mine, filled with a horror that was flooded by rage. My mouth dropped open in shock, and before I could even consider speaking, a strong bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, the crack of power resonating through the valley as our eyes were forced shut.

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