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" MAYA WAIT UP!" Was the first thing I heard Nikita say as soon as she was out the infirmary door. After that, the world around me seemed to go silent, allowing my thoughts to rage at full volume.

At this point I had no idea what on earth I was thinking. I had to hate Nikita Stormund. I had hated her for so long. If I didn't hate her, I feel like I'd be betraying Thalia. Disgracing the memory of the only girl I'd ever loved.

But as the days went on, it was harder and harder to resist her. I yearned to be in her presence, in her gaze, under her touch. It was like Aphrodite herself was playing with me like a puppet on a string, and I wouldn't put it past the meddlesome Goddess.

That's exactly what the Gods did when they were bored; they played with their children; making our lives unnecessarily complicated and dangerous. Sending us on pointless quests like servants, ignoring the existence of so many of us, unable to show the slightest ounce of compassion. They thought they were too high above it all.

They didn't know I was going to pull them all down, sending them falling from Olympus before they met their maker.

I shook myself from my thoughts, deciding it was time to head back out into camp. I hardly got 10 feet before Chris jogged up to me.

" Luke! There you are. You wouldn't believe what just happened, the Oracle just gave Percy a quest! Chiron's called campers, including us, so Percy can select his quest mates." He rambled excitedly. There hadn't been a quest in about two years. Not since mine...

Chris dragged me off towards the pavilion, where we saw saw several other campers, including Sarah, Clarisse, Nikita, and Annabeth. We all stood as Chiron approached with Percy.

" The Oracle has confirmed a quest. Percy Jackson and his quest mates will venture to the Underworld, to face the God who has turned against his brothers, and try to obtain the Masterbolt, before seeing it returned to its rightful owner in a short 10 days." Chiron explained to us as the selected shared looks at the news. This would be no easy feat. Perhaps impossible.

" I've gathered the most formidable demigods here. You may pick two to join you on your quest-"

" Annabeth." Percy proclaimed, barely allowing Chiron to finish his sentence. His eyes locked on Annabeth and I followed his gaze to see her open mouthed, shifting in surprise.

" Customarily, one waits to at least hear a few names before they choose. Are you sure you don't want to hear more?" Chiron asked Percy, turning to him. They proceeded to have a brief conversation that was just out of earshot before Chiron raised a brow, then turned towards us.

" The first quest mate will be Annabeth Chase!" He declared, and I watched Annabeth send Percy a satisfied smile.

I couldn't say what happened next was incredibly surprising. Percy convinced Chiron to let him take Grover as their third quest mate. The two kids seem to have bonded before Grover brought him to camp, and Percy looked confident in his decision.

With the selection ceremony concluded, I looked over at Annabeth, a genuine smile spread across her face. Her eyes glimmered with excitement, an excitement I shared, but the sudden reality of her being picked for a quest was settling in.

She came over for a hug and I enveloped her in my arms, hesitating to let her go. Annabeth had been begging Chiron to let her go out on a quest for so long, to prove herself, even though her worth and skills were so apparent. Still, I knew how much it meant to her, but in every way she was my little sister, and letting her go felt like passing her right to danger itself.

She wiggled her way out of my grasp, but gave me her best reassuring smile.

" I'll be safe Luke. I promise. I can do this." She said, determined.

Magnetism • Luke CastellanWhere stories live. Discover now