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" In my defense, she sent me a nasty glare for no reason." I threw my hands up with vigor.

" Stop moving so much! I'm almost done." Maya scorned as I lowered my hands in surrender. We were sitting on her bed in Aphrodite Cabin. It was our little ritual to do each-others hair before a game of capture the flag, and she was currently finishing up a fishtail braid for me.

" Also you swiped her legs out from under her after she surrendered, I'd be pissed too." Maya argued for the Athena girl I had sparred with earlier.

" She should know better. Never drop your guard." I said with a shrug as Maya patted my shoulder, signaling she had finished.

" And how's that working out for you?" She questioned in a tone I knew all too well, prompting me to turn until I faced her.

" I do not need nor want some sort of relationship. I have goals. I'm going to achieve those goals and then, if at some point I happen to meet someone, I'll have an extra lovely life." I repeated the mantra I'd told her a billion times already. She looked me in the eyes before tilting her head slightly, as if she just came to some realization.

" What if you never meet them?" She said, surprising me as that's the last thing I thought would come out of her mouth.

" Well ouch but if that's the case it's not a big dea-"

" What if you already know them?" She cut me off. I stopped dead in my tracks. It was as if my mind had slammed the door and locked it in my face.

Maya seemed to notice the distant look on my face as her brows scrunched in confusion. She gently placed a hand on mine.

" Nikita, are you ok? You just kind of froze." She questioned, searching my face in an attempt to read me. I blinked, finally able to break out of the state before looking at her.

" Yeah I... I don't know, it's like once you suggested that I disassociated. I locked myself out of thinking about it..." I trailed off carefully, not necessarily wanting to find out if it'd happen again.

" Maybe your brain just needs a break. Good thing swinging that sword around doesn't require much thought." She teased before walking out of the cabin, knowing I would be on her tail to argue my side in an instant.

" I'll have you know..." I continued my speech on the intense mental game one had to play in order to succeed in battle. Maya nodded along, pretending to care as we made our way to the armory to get our gear.

" It's busy as hell in here." Maya observed as we tried to weave through the numerous bodies of campers. It was like this every time we played capture the flag, especially if you waited till the last minute to get your stuff, like us.

Demigods are everything but timely.

" Excuse us, sorry." I said while guiding Maya and I through the crowds and to the breastplates. Maya suddenly pushed herself to my side, nudging me off balance in the process.

I failed to gain my footing in the crowded room and stumbled into someone. I caught my breath as my feet planted firmly on the floor, feeling my back pressed to someone's chest with each inhale.

I could sense the person dip their head down until it was so close to mine I could feel their breath on my shoulder. I turned my head to them instinctually before they spoke.

" Careful Stormund, I won't hesitate to let you fall on the battlefield."

I knew that voice anywhere.

I spun around, conscious of how close we'd be, but Luke didn't seem as prepared. I watched as his lips parted subtly in surprise and he blinked twice before looking down at me through his lashes. I held his gaze, digging through his eyes without knowing what I was looking for.

Magnetism • Luke CastellanWhere stories live. Discover now