Chapter 1: Dreams and Realities

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The sun had just begun its descent, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets of Cebu. Amidst the cacophony of jeepneys and the vibrant chatter of vendors, Maya walked briskly, weaving through the crowd with a practiced ease. Her dark hair was tied back in a simple ponytail, swaying with each step she took. Her eyes, a deep brown, sparkled with a mix of determination and daydreams.

Okay, Maya, focus. You have to get to the Choi estate before Mr. Lee arrives. He's important, like super important. Don't screw this up, she thought, her mind a whirlwind of worries and aspirations. But what if I do screw up? What if I drop something or, worse, say something stupid?

Shaking her head to dispel the anxious thoughts, Maya reached the grand gates of the Choi estate. The mansion loomed before her, its opulence a stark contrast to the modest homes she was accustomed to. She took a deep breath and stepped inside.

"Magandang hapon, Maya!" greeted Mang Jose, the elderly gatekeeper, with a warm smile.

"Magandang hapon din, Mang Jose!" Maya replied, her nerves easing slightly at the familiar face. "Mukhang busy kayo ngayon ah."

"Ay, oo. May big-time bisita from Korea. The heir of the Choi family," Mang Jose said, his tone a mix of reverence and curiosity.

The heir, huh? I wonder what it's like, to have everything you could ever want. To not worry about bills, or food, or... Maya's thoughts trailed off as she continued towards the house.

Inside, the estate was a hive of activity. Servants hurried back and forth, their movements precise and practiced. Maya slipped into the background, making her way to the kitchen to start her duties.

As she chopped vegetables for the evening's meal, her mind wandered. If I could just get a scholarship, maybe study abroad... She quickly shook her head. Stop it, Maya. Focus on what's real, not what's in your dreams.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a new figure. Choi Min-ho stepped into the kitchen, his presence commanding yet unassuming. He was dressed impeccably, his suit tailored to perfection, but it was his eyes that caught Maya's attention. They held a depth that belied his privileged upbringing, a hint of something more beneath the surface.

"Uh, good afternoon," Min-ho said, his Tagalog tinged with a Korean accent. "I'm looking for the manager?"

Maya, caught off guard, stuttered a response. "Ah, si Sir? Nasa office niya, second floor. Do you want me to get him?"

Min-ho shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'll find him. Salamat."

As he turned to leave, Maya couldn't help but watch him go. He's different. Not what I expected. But what does it matter? He's a world away from you, Maya. A whole universe away.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Maya went about her duties, her mind occasionally drifting to the heir who walked the halls of the mansion. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Min-ho than met the eye, a sense of kinship in their shared longing for something more.

That night, as she lay in her small room on the estate grounds, Maya's mind was a tumult of thoughts and emotions. He's just a guy, Maya. A very rich, very out-of-your-league guy. Get over it. Focus on your dreams, your real dreams.

But as sleep finally claimed her, her dreams were not of scholarships or far-off lands. They were of Choi Min-ho, the heir who seemed just as lost and searching as she was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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