Chp 7

144 5 0

Well it's not my job nor I want to earn more money but still I want to do this part time job with Yura... I want to see him and get to know soon that why he was not responding me....

Yesterday as yura promised she bought me soju

I should go today too I determined myself

I should go today too I determined myself

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Am I looking like a college student??

@ the shooting spot

" yura- yaa " I waved my hand in the air

She came to me

" part-time? " she said

I nodded my head as a yes

" morning time I had enough customers and now I'm free so I'm here to work with you.... I love being busy " I said with a hug

And then she just start let me running some errands for her 😅😅 don't worry I'm planning on steak today 😂

" Y/N can you take this costume to the vanity van of Mr Lee he must get ready for the questions video that he'll record today " without saying anything I start walking towards his van

It's nothing less then a luxurious apartment everything was so clean, beautiful and elegant

As I went in no one was inside I hang the costume and turned for coming out....

" Y/N...wait " A familiar voice tend me to wait for some more time

Wanna take a look around

Wanna take a look around

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I stay still... Don't wanted to reply him

Come sit down he tap the sofa showing me the seat next to him

" I'm sorry sir but I'm on work here " I turned around to go

He ran over me and hugged me from behind hands crossed my waist..

" I'm sorry but we're not close enough to be this close sir... Please let me go " I said

" blame me all you want.. Ik you are angry RN but I swear I'm not a jerk who speak all sweet words and then let them goo. .. " he rest his head on my shoulder

" 1 week you were not able to reply it's ok I can understand some rumors came up.... But you know what Mr Lee it's on good terms we didn't went far enough otherwise.... Tomorrow you'll say because of rumors or your job you can't date a florist... It's best to stop now before we can't stop it anymore " I said a breathe and try to uncross his hands...

" I said I'll be in a normal relationship and I'll... It's just something came up I swear I'll never do it again " he turned me and cupped my face

" I like you Y/N " he said looking into my eyes

The look he gave me at the end made me speechless

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The look he gave me at the end made me speechless

What should I do now??? Lemme know guys 😅🥲💫

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